Form Ls-N 2601.1 - Notice Of Limited Scope Appearance

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This form is approved by the Illinois Supreme Court and is required to be used in all Illinois Circuit Courts.
For Court Use Only
Petitioner (First, middle, last name)
Respondent (First, middle, last name)
Case Number
1. The attorney,
, and the Party,
have entered into a written agreement dated
providing that the attorney will
provide limited scope representation to the Party in the above-captioned matter in accordance with Paragraphs 3 and
4, below.
 Plaintiff  Petitioner  Defendant  Respondent
2. The Party is
(check one)
3. The attorney appears pursuant to Supreme Court Rule 13(c)(6). This appearance is limited in scope to the following
matter(s) in which the attorney will represent the Party (
check and complete all that apply
 in the court proceeding
on the following date:
 and in any continuance of that proceeding
 at the trial on the following date:
 and in any continuance of that trial
 and until judgment
 at the following deposition(s):
 if a family law matter, specify the scope and limits of representation:
 Other
(specify the scope and limits of representation)
4. If this appearance does not extend to all matters to be considered at the proceeding(s) above, identify the discrete
issues within each proceeding covered by this appearance:
5. The attorney may withdraw following completion of the limited scope representation specified in this appearance as
a. orally move to withdraw at a hearing attended by the Party, at which the Party may object to withdrawal if the
Party contends that the limited scope representation specified in this appearance has not been completed; or
b. file a Notice of Withdrawal of Limited Scope Representation in the form attached to Supreme Court Rule 13. If the
attorney files such a Notice, the attorney shall serve it upon the Party and upon all counsel of record and other
parties not represented by counsel unless the court excuses service upon other counsel and other unrepresented
parties, and upon the judge then presiding over this case. The method of service shall be as provided in Supreme
Court Rule 11 unless the court orders otherwise. If the Party objects to the withdrawal, the Party may, within 21
days after the date of the attorney’s service of the Notice of Withdrawal of Limited Scope Appearance, file an
Objection to Withdrawal of Limited Scope Appearance in the form attached to Supreme Court Rule 13. The
attorney will provide a copy of the form of Objection to the Party with the attorney’s Notice, including instructions for
filing and service of an Objection. If the Party timely serves an Objection, the attorney shall notice the matter for
LS-N 2601.1
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