Novation Agreement Form Page 2


Sample Contract Templates
5. Assignor and Assignee are independent Parties. Nothing in this Agreement is intended to create or
shall be construed as creating a partnership or joint venture between the parties.
6. This Agreement shall be construed and disputes hereunder shall be settled under the laws of
___________. The parties agree to submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of, and venue in, the courts of
__________ in any dispute arising out of or relating to this Agreement.
7. This Agreement constitutes the entire agreement among the parties pertaining to the subject matter
hereof and supersedes all prior agreements and understandings pertaining thereto. No amendment,
supplement, modification or restatement of any provision of this Agreement shall be binding unless it is
in writing and signed by each party.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have executed this Agreement by their duly authorized officers to be
effective as of the effective date.
By: ___________________________
By: ___________________________
Name: ________________________
Name: ________________________
Title: _________________________
Title: _________________________
Novation Agreement – Sample Template


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