Novation Agreement Form


Sample Contract Templates
This Novation Agreement (“Agreement”) is entered into as of _________________, by and between
__________ (“Assignor”) and ______________ (“Assignee”)
WHEREAS, Assignor, a law firm, entered into an agreement with its client for the purpose of providing
certain legal services such as representing its client in the court for all litigation cases, contract drafting
and advising the client on corporate legal affairs.
WHEREAS, Assignor is merged with Assignee by executing a merger agreement, such merger agreement
grants Assignee an irrevocable power of attorney to execute and deliver, among other things,
assignments and assurances in law to confirm possession of rights, properties or assets of the surviving
WHEREAS, Assignee desires to continue to provide services and meet the assigned obligations of the
Assignor under the client agreement and its subsequent renewals;
NOW, THEREFORE, with the mutual intent to be legally bound, the parties agree that Assignee should be
substituted for Assignor, in the client agreement and its subsequent renewals;
1. The Assignor hereby agrees to transfer absolutely to the Assignee the client Agreement and Assignee
undertakes to be bound by and observe and perform the terms, conditions and covenants of the client
agreement on the part of the Assignor to be observed, performed and satisfied in every way as if the
Assignee were named a party to the client agreement in substitution for the Assignor. Assignee
undertakes to assume all liabilities and to satisfy all claims and demands whatsoever arising out of or in
respect of the client agreement.
2. Assignor and client hereby covenant, agree and undertake that by Assignee’s execution of this
Agreement, Assignee shall become a party to the client agreement in place of Assignor and shall be
entitled to all rights and privileges and shall be subject to all duties and obligations of Assignor under the
client Agreement from novation Effective Date.
3. Assignor shall have no rights, interests and obligations under the client Agreement, except those
subsisting prior to the execution of this Agreement. With effect from the date of this Agreement all
references to Assignor under the client Agreement shall be construed to as references to Assignee. After
the execution of this agreement, in future if there arises any liability on part of Assignor for the acts
performed under the client Agreement shall be the liability of Assignor.
4. This Agreement shall be read in conjunction with the client Agreement and any capitalized terms used
in this Agreement but not defined herein shall have the same meaning as assigned to such term in the
client Agreement.
Novation Agreement – Sample Template


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