Scheme Of National Award To Teachers - New Delhi Department Of School Education And Literacy Page 9


15. In the case of Primary School Teachers, what concrete steps has the teacher taken to
increase enrolment in the school and to avoid dropouts? Give enrolment/retention
percentage figures for the last three years of school and District to show the progress
made in achieving universalisation of elementary education.
16. In the case of Secondary School teachers, what has been the dropout rate in the school
at the secondary level in last five years? What steps has the teacher taken to avoid
17. What has been the teacher’s class results in Board Examinations? Give the percentage
of pass and first divisioners in the class/subject of the teacher for the last five years.
18. Has the teacher mobilized quantifiable community resources for the physical
development of the school? If so, give details.
19. Indicate the number of cases of indiscipline, if any, in the class/school during the last
five years.
20. Has the teacher undertaken any specific activities for promoting National Integration?
Give details.
21. The following information may specifically be given:
does he/she indulge in tuitions?
does he/she in the habit of submitting complaints and indulging in litigation?
is he/she punctual?
NB: 75% weightage may be given to the above information while finalizing the
22. Has the teacher undertaken any innovative experiment for greater impact of his/her
teaching on the students? Give a brief note.
23. What are the types of teaching aids, including mass media, used by the teacher to make
classroom instruction more interesting?
24. Does the teacher give any special attention and assistance to the gifted and weaker
students? If so, give details.
25. Has the teacher participated in any in-service training programmes, workshops, etc.?
If so, give details of the last five years.
26. Does the teacher take active interest in organizing co=-curricular or extra-curricular
activities in the schools? Give details.
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