Policy Of Title Insurance Template Page 3


company the mortgage or deed of trust and the indebtedness secured by it, and such payment shall terminate all
liability under this policy to such insured.
6. A statement in writing of any loss or damage for which it is claimed the company is liable under this policy shall
be furnished to the company within sixty days after such loss or damage shall have been ascertained. No action or
proceeding for the recovery of any such loss or damage shall be instituted or maintained against the company until
after full compliance by the insured with all the conditions imposed on the insured by this policy, nor unless
commenced within twelve months after receipt by the company of such written statement.
7. The company will pay, in addition to any loss insured against by this policy, all costs imposed upon the
insured in litigation carried on by the company for the insured, and in litigation carried on by the insured with the
written authorization of the company, but not otherwise. The liability of the company under this policy shall in no
case exceed, in all, the actual loss of the insured and costs which the company is obligated to pay under this policy,
and in no case shall such total liability exceed the amount of this policy and those costs. All payments under this
policy shall reduce the amount of the insurance pro tanto, and payment of loss or damage to an insured owner of
indebtedness shall reduce, to that extent, the liability of the company to the insured owner of the land. No payment
can be demanded by any insured without producing this policy for indorsement of such payment.
8. Loss under this policy shall be payable, first, to any insured owner of indebtedness secured by mortgage or
deed of trust shown in Schedule B, in order of priority there shown, and if such ownership vests in more than one,
payment shall be made ratably as their respective interests may appear, and after that, any loss shall be payable to
the other insured, and if more than one, then to such insured ratably as their respective interests may appear. If there
be no such insured owner of indebtedness, any loss shall be payable to the insured, and if more than one, to such
insured ratably as their respective interests may appear.
9. No provision or condition of this policy can be waived or changed except by writing indorsed on or attached to
this policy and signed by the President, a Vice-President, the Secretary, or an Assistant Secretary of the company.
In witness, _________ Title Insurance Co. has caused its corporate name and seal to be here affixed by its duly
authorized officers the day and hour set forth in Schedule A of this policy.


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