Policy Of Title Insurance Template Page 2


All that certain parcel of land situate in the County of _________, State of _________, described as follows:
1. This policy does not insure against, and the company will not be liable for loss or damage created by or arising
out of any of the following: (a) defects, liens, claims, incumbrances, or other matters which result in no pecuniary loss
to the insured; (b) defects, liens, incumbrances, or other matters created or occurring subsequent to the date of this
policy; (c) defects, liens, incumbrances, or other matters created or suffered by the insured claiming such loss or
damage, or existing at the date of this policy and known to the insured claiming such loss or damage, either at the
date of this policy or at the date such insured claimant acquired an estate or interest insured by this policy, unless
such defect, lien, claim, incumbrance, or other matter shall have been disclosed to the company in writing prior to the
issuance of this policy. Any rights or defenses of the company against a named insured shall be equally available
against any person or corporation who shall become an insured under this policy as successor of that named
2. The company at its own cost shall defend the insured in all actions or proceedings against the insured founded
upon a defect, lien, incumbrance, or other matter insured against by this policy, and may pursue such litigation to
final determination in the court of last resort. In case any such action or proceeding shall be begun, or in case
knowledge shall come to any insured of any claim of title or interest adverse to the title as insured, or which might
cause loss or damage for which the company shall or may be liable by virtue of this policy, such insured shall at once
notify the company in writing. If such notice shall not be given to the company at least five days before the
appearance day in any such action or proceeding, or if such insured shall not, in writing, promptly notify the
company of any defect, lien, incumbrance, or other matter insured against, or of any such adverse claim which shall
come to the knowledge of such insured, in respect to which loss or damage is apprehended, then all liability of the
company as to each insured having such notice in regard to the subject of such action, proceeding, or claim shall
cease and terminate; provided, however, that failure to so notify shall in no case prejudice the claim of any insured
unless the company shall be actually prejudiced by such failure. The company shall have the right to institute and
prosecute any action or proceeding or do any other act which, in its opinion, may be necessary or desirable to
establish the title, or any insured lien or charge, as insured. In all cases where this policy permits or requires the
company to prosecute or defend any action or proceeding, the insured shall secure to it in writing the right to so
prosecute or defend that action or proceeding, and all appeals in the action or proceeding, and permit it to use, at its
option, the name of the insured for that purpose. Whenever requested by the company the insured shall assist the
company in any such action or proceeding, in effecting settlement, securing evidence, obtaining witnesses,
prosecuting or defending such action or proceedings to such extent and in such manner as is deemed desirable by
the company, and the company shall reimburse the insured for any expense so incurred. The company shall be
subrogated to and be entitled to all costs and attorney's fees incurred or expended by the company, which may be
recoverable by the insured in any litigation carried on by the company on behalf of the insured. The word
"knowledge" in this paragraph means actual knowledge, and does not refer to constructive knowledge or notice
which may be imputed to the insured by reason of any public record or otherwise.
3. The company reserves the option to pay, settle, or compromise for, or in the name of, the insured, any claim
insured against or to pay this policy in full at any time, and payment or tender of payment of the full amount of this
policy, together with all accrued costs which the company is obligated to pay this policy, shall terminate all liability of
the company under this policy, including all obligations of the company with respect to any litigation pending and
subsequent costs of that litigation.
4. Whenever the company shall have settled a claim under this policy, it shall be subrogated to and be entitled to
all rights, securities, and remedies which the insured would have had against any person or property in respect to
that claim, had this policy not been issued. If the payment does not cover the loss of the insured, the company shall
be subrogated to such rights, securities, and remedies in the proportion which the payment bears to the amount of
the loss. In either event the insured shall transfer, or cause to be transferred, to the company those rights, securities
and remedies, and shall permit the company to use the name of the insured in any transaction or litigation involving
those rights, securities, or remedies.
5. The company has the right and option, in case any loss is claimed under this policy by an insured owner of an
indebtedness secured by mortgage or deed of trust, to pay such insured the indebtedness of the mortgagor or trustor
under the mortgage or deed of trust, together with all costs which the company is obligated to pay under this policy,
in which case the company shall become the owner of, and such insured shall at once assign and transfer to the


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