Ultimate Physical Therapy Patient Information Form Page 2


Primary Care Physician: ______________________________________________
Address: ___________________________________Phone #_______________________________
Treating Physician: ___________________________________________
Emergency Contact Name and Phone #_______________________________________________
Have you had Surgery for this Injury? YES / NO
Type of Surgery: _________________________________________________________
Have you or a Family member ever been treated at Ultimate Physical Therapy?
☐ Y ☐ N

Patient’s Name:_____________________________________________________
Have you had physical therapy for this condition? ☐Y ☐N If yes, for how long? ______________
Have you had physical therapy this year? If so, how many visits?___________________________
Are You Currently Taking Any Prescription or Non-Prescription Medications:
Yes / No (Please List):___________________________________________________________
Have you had any of the following medical or rehabilitative services for this injury/episode?
Chiropractor / Massage Therapy / Occupational Therapy / Physical Therapy
Emergency Room Care / General Practitioner / MRI / Neurologist / Orthopedist
Do you have or have you had any of the following?
Anemia / Diabetes/ Gout / Hernia /Allergies / Osteoporosis / Stroke /Blood Clot / Emboli
Epilepsy / Seizures / Varicose Veins / Joint Replacement/ Asthma, Bronchitis, or Emphysema
Shortness of Breath / Chest Pain / Coronary Heart Disease Cancer / Chemotherapy / Radiation
Emotional or Psychological Problems / Bowel or Bladder Problems
Severe or Frequent Headaches / Vision or Hearing Difficulties
Do you have a Pacemaker? _____Any Pins or Metal Implants? _________
Do you have any Infectious Diseases?__________ HIV?___________
Numbness or Tingling?___________Are You Pregnant?_______Do You Smoke?___________
List any other information that would assist us in your care?
Based upon your awareness, what are your expectations/goals while in this program?


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