Application For A School Age Only Center License Page 2

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1. Business Ownership: Check the appropriate box.
2. Business Ownership Name: Enter the information listed below, associated with the box checked in number 1.
Individual(s), enter your legal name(s): Last, First, Middle Initial
Partnership, enter ALL partners legal names: Last, First, Middle Initial
Limited Liability Company (LLC), enter the legal name of the LLC.
Corporation, enter the legal name of the corporation
3. Authorized Agent(s): The full legal name and title of person(s) designated by the Business Ownership to sign
Amendment Applications and other Licensing Documents.
4. Federal Identification Number: If no Federal ID Number, indicate “none.” The number will not be used
without consent except as required by law.
5. Secretary of State Number: If you are a Limited Liability Company or Corporation, you must apply to the
Nebraska Secretary of State for this number.
6. Mailing Address IF different than in #12 on Page 1: Indicate the mailing address if it is different than in
#12 on Page 1. When both addresses are the same, indicate “same.”
7. Preferred Phone Number if different than in 5 on Page 1: Enter the phone number if different than in # 5
on Page 1. When both phone numbers are the same, indicate “same.”
8. Preferred Email Address if different than in # 6 on Page 1: Enter the email address if different than in #6
on Page 1. When both email addresses are the same, indicate “same.”
9. Has any entity identified as a Program Owner, or a member of an LLC or Corporation, listed in Item #2
on Page 2, ever applied for and received a child care/preschool license in Nebraska?: Individual Owner(s),
Partners, members of Limited Liability Companies and members of Corporations must report any previous
child care/preschool license history. This information is subject to verification.
10. If the Program is owned by an Individual Owner or Partnership Owner each owner must complete the
following: Each individual or partner must complete the LEGAL ATTESTATION on Page 3 of this
application to comply with Nebraska Revised Statutes 4-808 to 4-414 attesting to his/her lawful presence in the
United States. If more space is required to list Individuals/Partners, please add additional pages.
IF Program is owned by a Limited Liability Company or Corporation, continue to Certification and
Signature of Owner Section on Page 4: Read and complete the “Certification and Signature of Owners”
Please read this section carefully before signing to ensure it is signed by ALL required parties.
Signing this application verifies that information provided is true and correct.
OPTION 1: EMAIL: The completed application and the required additional documentation ONLY may be submitted to the Department by
scanning and emailing those documents to
The required fee must be mailed separately via U.S. Mail, along with a copy of the front page of the application to the
appropriate address listed below in Option 2.
U.S. Mail
: The completed application, required additional documentation and fee may be mailed to:
Cass, Douglas, Sarpy & Washington Counties:
ALL Other Nebraska Counties:
DHHS/Division of Public Health
DHHS/Division of Public Health
Office of Children’s Services Licensing
Office of Children’s Services Licensing
1313 Farnam Street, 3
P.O. Box 94986
Omaha, NE 68102
Lincoln, NE 68509-4986


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