Texas Minimum State Vaccine Requirements For Students Grades K - 12 - 2016/2017 Page 3


2016 - 2017 Texas Minimum State Vaccine Requirements for Students Grades K - 12
This chart summarizes the vaccine requirements incorporated in the Texas Administrative Code (TAC), Title 25 Health Services, §§97.61-97.72. This document is not
intended as a substitute for the TAC, which has other provisions and details. The Department of State Health Services (DSHS) is granted authority to set immunization
requirements by the Texas Education Code, Chapter 38.
A student shall show acceptable evidence of vaccination prior to entry, attendance,
or transfer to a child-care facility or public or private elementary or secondary school in Texas.
Minimum Number of Doses Required by Grade Level
Vaccine Required
(Attention to notes and footnotes)
K – 6th
8th – 12th
For K – 6th grade: 5 doses of diphtheria-tetanus-pertussis vaccine; 1 dose
must have been received on or after the 4th birthday. However, 4 doses meet
the requirement if the 4th dose was received on or after the 4th birthday. For
3 dose primary
3 dose primary
students aged 7 years and older, 3 doses meet the requirement if 1 dose was
series and
series and
received on or after the 4th birthday.
5 doses
1 Tdap / Td
1 Tdap / Td
For 7th grade: 1 dose of Tdap is required if at least 5 years have passed since
or 4 doses
the last dose of tetanus-containing vaccine.
booster within
booster within
For 8th – 12th grade: 1 dose of Tdap is required when 10 years have passed
last 5 years
last 10 years
since the last dose of tetanus-containing vaccine.
Td is acceptable in place of Tdap if a medical contraindication to pertussis
For K – 12th grade: 4 doses of polio; 1 dose must be received on or after
4 doses or 3 doses
the 4th birthday. However, 3 doses meet the requirement if the 3rd dose was
received on or after the 4th birthday.
For K – 12th grade: 2 doses are required, with the 1st dose received on or after
Measles, Mumps, and Rubella
1, 2
2 doses
the 1st birthday. Students vaccinated prior to 2009 with 2 doses of measles and
one dose each of rubella and mumps satisfy this requirement.
For students aged 11 – 15 years, 2 doses meet the requirement if adult hepatitis
B vaccine (Recombivax
) was received. Dosage (10 mcg / 1.0 mL) and type of
Hepatitis B
3 doses
vaccine (Recombivax
) must be clearly documented. If Recombivax
was not
the vaccine received, a 3-dose series is required.
The 1st dose of varicella must be received on or after the 1st birthday.
1, 2, 3
2 doses
For K – 12th grade: 2 doses are required.
For 7th – 12th grade, 1 dose of quadrivalent meningococcal conjugate vaccine
Meningococcal (MCV4)
1 dose
is required on or after the student’s 11th birthday. Note: If a student received
the vaccine at 10 years of age, this will satisfy the requirement.
The 1st dose of hepatitis A must be received on or after the 1st birthday.
For K – 7th grade: 2 doses are required.
Hepatitis A
1, 2
2 doses
Special note: a child will not be considered delinquent in this series until 18
months have elapsed since receiving the 1st dose.
NOTE: Shaded area indicates that the vaccine is not required for the respective age group.
Receipt of the dose up to (and including) 4 days before the birthday will satisfy the school entry immunization requirement.
Serologic evidence of infection or serologic confirmation of immunity to measles, mumps, rubella, hepatitis B, hepatitis A, or varicella is acceptable in place of vaccine.
Previous illness may be documented with a written statement from a physician, school nurse, or the child’s parent or guardian containing wording such as: “This is to verify that (name of student) had
varicella disease (chickenpox) on or about (date) and does not need varicella vaccine.” This written statement will be acceptable in place of any and all varicella vaccine doses required.
Rev. 09/2016


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