Rev. 8-17
C.G.S. §§ 53a-39, 54-227
Instructions to Clerk
P.B. § 43-21
1. Do not accept this form if the only relief requested is additional jail
credit, if a defendant with a sentence of more than 3 years has not
Instructions to Defendant
gotten the signature of the State's Attorney, or if an incarcerated
1. Fill out 3 copies of this form, and file 2 copies with the Clerk at the court
defendant has not attached a completed Notice of Application form
where you were sentenced.
• If your prison sentence, including any time that was suspended by the
2. Stamp form on filing. File original as a pending matter. Give the copy to
judge, is for more than 3 years, you must get the State's Attorney to agree
the Presiding Judge.
to your application and sign this form before you file it with the court.
3. After Judgment: Prepare copies of judgment, and distribute as follows:
• If you are in prison now, you must also attach a completed Notice of
• Original and 1 copy to the Records Center (for filing with original
Application form (JD-VS-3) to this application.
Information and under date of this order)
2. Give the third copy to the State's Attorney for your case.
• One copy to defendant or defendant's attorney
3. Do not use this form to ask the court for more jail credit.
• If the defendant is incarcerated, 1 copy to the Records Office of the
defendant's correctional facility
Inmate number
• If the defendant is placed on probation or the existing probation is
modified, 1 copy to Adult Probation
Docket number
State of Connecticut vs.
Place of sentencing (Town)
Date of sentencing
Crime(s) of which the defendant was convicted
Date of birth
Original sentence (Include any part of the sentence that was suspended and any fine ordered. If original sentence was modified before, say when and include the new sentence.)
Name of Judge entering original sentence
Name of jail
Date jail sentence began
Amount of fine paid, if any
Motion For Modification
I, the Defendant or the Attorney for the Defendant signing below, affirm that this motion does not apply to any part of a sentence that is a
mandatory minimum sentence for an offense that may not be suspended or reduced by the court, and I ask that the sentence of the
defendant be modified (changed) by:
suspending execution of the unexecuted portion of the jail sentence.
Complete the following questions
(If yes, the state's atty. must sign below
a) Was the defendant sentenced to a definite sentence of more than three years?
agreeing to seek a review of sentence )
(Date filed)
b) Was a motion for a modification of sentence previously filed in this case?
c) Is the Defendant presently in the custody of the Department of Correction?
* If yes, a completed form JD-VS-3, Inmate Notice of Application, is attached to this application as proof of notice to the Office of Victim Services
and to the Victim Services Unit within the Department of Correction.
Reason for request (Attach another sheet, if necessary)
Dated at (Town)
On (Date)
Signed (Defendant or Attorney for Defendant)
On (Date)
agree with
oppose the defendant's
Signed (State's Attorney)(Complete if defendant sentenced to more than 3 years)
request to seek review of the sentence.
The motion having been presented to and considered by the Court, is:
Granted, good cause having been shown, and the sentence is modified as follows:
Judgment on motion entered at (Town)
On (Date)
By order of the court (Name of Judge)
Signed (Assistant Clerk)
Print Form
Reset Form