Sample Letter To Congressman - Fast Track Trade Authority For The Trans-Pacific Partnership (Tpp) Page 3


5. The TPP further undermines the sovereignty of the United States by committing the
country to be bound by the decisions of an international Trade Tribunal, a parallel court
system to that operates outside our traditional courts. Decisions of these Trade Tribunals
are final, with no appeal in the traditional court system. The judges in the Trade
Tribunals will often include corporate lawyers, on leave from their job at their
corporation, making rulings and then returning to their corporate jobs without any
conflict of interest provisions to limit their role. The TPP allows corporations to sue in
Trade Tribunals for expected lost profits. In other words if a law is passed to protect the
environment, consumers, workers or anything else in the public interest, foreign
corporations can sue the US or local governments for the profits it expected before that
law was passed. This makes Trade Tribunals a trump card that allows foreign
corporations to override legislative decisions.
6. Why the secrecy? The media asked former US Trade Representative Ron Kirk that
question. He said the reason the TPP is so secret was because if the people knew what
was in it, it would be so unpopular that it could not become law. Kirk left as US Trade
Representative in January, 2013 in part he said “to make money.” He is now senior
counsel at the law firm of Gibson, Dunn and Crutcher where he represents trans-national
corporations. He has been replaced by former Citigroup executive, Michael Froman.
Congress members must understand why the TPP would be so unpopular with their
constituents because they will be held responsible for its negative impacts.
For all of these reasons I am requesting that you vote against giving President Obama Fast Track
trade authority and insist that Congress fulfills its constitutional mandate as the branch of
government responsible for writing the laws and setting trade policy.


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