Sample Letter To Congressman - Fast Track Trade Authority For The Trans-Pacific Partnership (Tpp) Page 2


including 19 rounds, so Negotiating Objectives are mere window dressing and will not alter the
content of the TPP. While 600 corporate advisers have been involved in negotiating the TPP,
Congress has been shut out of the process and now President Obama is asking Congress to cede
its constitutional responsibility over trade and to serve as a proper check and balance.
As a candidate, President Obama said he would replace the anti-democratic Fast Track process,
but as president he now seeks Fast Track.
Fast Track allows an unpopular trade law to be passed without adequate Congressional
oversight, but Members of Congress will be held responsible by voters when these agreements
become law and undermine the economy and public health and safety.
With regard to the TPP there are a lot of issues which raise serious questions. Congress should
demand transparency and hold hearings to examine these issues.
1. In September 2013, the Center for Economic and Policy Research issued a report, “Gains
From Trade: The Net Effect of the Trans-Pacific Partnership on US Wages.” The report
made two findings: (1) The TPP would only increase the US GDP by a tiny 0.1% annually.
(2) The TPP will continue the downward slide in US wages resulting in 90% of
Americans seeing their incomes decrease. Thus, the TPP will add to the very serious
problem of the vast wealth divide in the United States and the shrinking and
impoverishment of working Americans.
2. The TPP is called ‘NAFTA on steroids’ because it follows the same basic model of
NAFTA, but includes many more countries and covers even more aspects of the
economy. How are American workers going to compete with Vietnamese workers who
get paid 25¢ per hour? NAFTA cost the United States more than 600,000 jobs. It
spurred undocumented immigration because it forced small farmers off their farms and
into the cities, thereby lowering wages in Mexico. What will ‘NAFTA on steroids’ do to
US jobs, wages and issues like immigration?
3. TPP will undermine laws and consumer choice. In recent years Americans have wanted
to spend their money to Buy Local, Buy American, Buy Green, Buy Sweatshop-Free, and
other targeted policies. These sensible ideas have swept across the country and are very
popular with Americans who want to boost American products and local and
independent businesses rather than buying imported products that send US dollars
overseas causing a massive trade deficit. Americans will be angry with elected officials
who allow this to happen.
4. The TPP will undermine laws passed by Congress as well as state and local legislatures.
In fact, the TPP has 29 chapters but only 5 actually deal with trade issues, like tariffs.
The other chapters concern a wide array of issues forcing US laws to be modified to
conform to the TPP. This includes laws on food safety, energy including fracking and tar
sands, wages and labor conditions, Internet freedom, banking and finance regulation,
healthcare and drug prices, public services like transportation, utilities and education,
among others. The TPP will affect virtually every aspect of the lives of Americans; such a
massive agreement requires careful consideration by Congress, hearings, expert
testimony, citizen input and amendments by Congress. Fast Track is inappropriate for an
agreement with such broad impacts.


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