Project Partner Letter Of Support Example


Project Partner Letter of support example
Please note that this needs to be on your Project Partner letter head and must be signed.
Community Enterprise Foundation™
PO Box 480
Bendigo VIC 3552
RE: Project Partner Letter of Support - <<Project Name>>
Dear Community Enterprise Foundation™,
Following discussions with <<Applicant Organisation Name>>, <<Project Partner
Organisation>> commits to work with <<Applicant Organisation Name>> to facilitate their
grant request and deliver the <<Project>>.
Our Australian Business Number (ABN) is <<Insert Project Partner ABN Here>> and we can
confirm assistance and support of this project is within our organisations purposes and
charitable endorsements.
We confirm that the overall support we will be providing <<Applicant Organisation>> in the
completion of <<Project>> will be as follows <<Dot Point Involvement beyond receipt of
Should <<Applicant Organisation>> be successful in their grant application <<Project Partner
Organisation>> also agrees to receive any grant funding from Community Enterprise
Foundation™ and apply it directly to <<Project Name>>.
Yours sincerely,
<<Position / Role>> ( a person officially authorised by your organisation to sign such as
Board member or CEO)
<<Project Partner Organisation>>


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