Instructions For Form 1045 - Application For Tentative Refund - 2007 Page 7


You did not itemize deductions, or
You entered an amount other than
Line 4—Section 1202
The amounts on Schedule B, lines
zero on line 20, and
3 through 5, are zero.
You had any items of income or
Enter as a positive number any gain
Otherwise, complete lines 11 through
deductions based on adjusted gross
excluded under section 1202 on the
35 and enter on line 7 the amount
income which are listed in the
sale or exchange of qualified small
from line 35 (or, if applicable, line 14
instructions for line 6 of
business stock.
of the worksheet on page 8).
Schedule B on this page.
Estates and trusts. Recompute the
Line 5—Domestic
If you cannot use the amount from
miscellaneous itemized deductions
line 21 as your adjusted gross
Production Activities
shown (or as previously adjusted) on
income, figure your adjusted gross
Form 1041, line 15b, and any
income as follows.
Enter the amount of any domestic
casualty or theft losses shown (or as
1. Figure the adjustment to each
production activities deduction
previously adjusted) on Form 4684,
item of income or deduction in the
claimed on your return.
Casualties and Thefts, line 18 (line 20
same manner as explained in the
for 2005 and 2006) by substituting
instructions for line 6 of Schedule B
Line 6—Adjustments to
modified adjusted gross income (see
on this page, except do not take into
Adjusted Gross Income
below) for the adjusted gross income
account any NOL carrybacks when
of the estate or trust. Subtract the
If you entered an amount on line 3 or
figuring adjusted gross income.
line 4, you must refigure certain
recomputed deductions and losses
Attach a computation showing how
income and deductions based on
from the deductions and losses
you figured the adjustments.
adjusted gross income. These
previously shown, and enter the
2. Add lines 3, 4, 5, 11, and 20 of
difference on line 7.
Schedule B to the total adjustments
The special allowance for passive
Modified adjusted gross income
you figured in (1) above. Use the
activity losses from rental real estate
for estates and trusts. For
result as your adjusted gross income
purposes of figuring miscellaneous
to refigure charitable contributions.
Taxable social security benefits,
itemized deductions subject to the 2%
IRA deductions,
For NOL carryover purposes, you
limit, figure modified adjusted gross
Excludable savings bond interest,
must reduce any charitable
income by adding the following
The exclusion of amounts received
contributions carryover to the extent
amounts to the adjusted gross
under an employer’s adoption
that the NOL carryover on line 10 is
income previously used to figure
assistance program,
increased by any adjustment to
these deductions.
The student loan interest
charitable contributions.
The total of the amounts from lines
deduction, and
3 through 6 of Form 1045,
Line 35
Tuition and fees deduction.
Schedule B.
Complete the worksheet on page 8 if
The exemption amount shown (or
For purposes of figuring the
line 19, Schedule B, is more than:
as previously adjusted) on Form
adjustment to each of these items,
$121,200 for 1997 ($60,600 if
1041, line 20 (line 21 for 1997).
your adjusted gross income is
married filing separately),
The income distribution deduction
increased by the total of the amounts
$124,500 for 1998 ($62,250 if
shown (or as previously adjusted) on
on line 3 and line 4. Do not take into
married filing separately),
Form 1041, line 18.
account any NOL carryback from
$126,600 for 1999 ($63,300 if
2007 or later.
For purposes of figuring casualty
married filing separately),
or theft losses, figure modified
Generally, figure the adjustment to
$128,950 for 2000 ($64,475 if
adjusted gross income by adding the
each item of income or deduction in
married filing separately),
total of the amounts from lines 3
the order listed above and, when
$132,950 for 2001 ($66,475 if
through 6 of Form 1045, Schedule B,
figuring the adjustment to each
married filing separately),
to the adjusted gross income
subsequent item, increase or
$137,300 for 2002 ($68,650 if
previously used to figure these
decrease adjusted gross income by
married filing separately),
the total adjustments you figured for
$139,500 for 2003 ($69,750 if
the previous items. However, a
Line 10—NOL Carryover
married filing separately),
special rule applies if you received
$142,700 for 2004 ($71,350 if
After completing all applicable
social security benefits and deducted
married filing separately),
columns, carry forward to 2008 the
IRA contributions. Use the
$145,950 for 2005 ($72,975 if
amount, if any, on line 10 of the
worksheets in Pub. 590, Individual
married filing separately), or
column for the 1st preceding tax year.
Retirement Arrangements (IRAs), to
$150,500 for 2006 ($75,250 if
refigure your taxable social security
Line 23—Refigured
married filing separately).
benefits and IRA deductions under
Charitable Contributions
Only complete a column for each
the special rule.
year that meets the above
Refigure your charitable contributions
Enter on line 6 the total
using line 21 as your adjusted gross
adjustments made to the listed items.
income unless, for any preceding tax
Attach a computation showing how
you figured the adjustments.
Line 7—Adjustment to
Itemized Deductions
Individuals. Skip this line if, for the
applicable carryback year:


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