Instructions For Form 1045 - Application For Tentative Refund - 2007 Page 6


Do not enter business deductions
Line 24—Other Taxes
Schedule B—NOL
on line 6. These are deductions that
See your tax return for the carryback
are connected with a trade or
year for any other taxes not
business. They include:
Complete and file this schedule to
mentioned above, such as recapture
State income tax on business
determine the NOL deduction for
taxes, tax on an IRA, etc., that will
each carryback year and the amount
apply in that year. If you make an
Educator expenses,
to be carried forward, if not fully
entry on this line, identify the taxes
Moving expenses,
that apply.
The deduction for one-half of
self-employment tax,
If an NOL is more than the
Line 28—Overpayment
Domestic production activities
modified taxable income for the
earliest year to which it is carried, you
of Tax Under Section
Rental losses,
must file Schedule B to figure the
amount of the NOL to be carried to
Loss on the sale or exchange of
business real estate or depreciable
the next tax year. The amount of the
If you apply for a tentative refund
carryover is the excess, if any, of the
based on an overpayment of tax
NOL carryback over the modified
Your share of a business loss from
under section 1341(b)(1), enter it on
taxable income for that earlier year.
a partnership or an S corporation,
this line. Also, attach a computation
Modified taxable income is the
Ordinary loss on the sale or
showing the information required by
amount figured on line 9 of
exchange of section 1244 (small
Regulations section 5.6411-1(d).
Schedule B.
business) stock,
Ordinary loss on the sale or
If you carry two or more NOLs
exchange of stock in a small business
to a tax year, figure your
Individuals. Sign and date Form
investment company operating under
modified taxable income by
1045. If Form 1045 is filed jointly,
the Small Business Investment Act of
deducting the NOLs in the order in
both spouses must sign.
which they were incurred. First,
Loss from the sale of accounts
Estates. All executors or
deduct the NOL from the earliest
receivable if such accounts arose
administrators must sign and date
year, then the NOL from the next
under the accrual method of
Form 1045.
earliest year, etc. After you deduct
accounting, and
Trusts. The fiduciary or an
each NOL, there will be a new,
If you itemized your deductions,
authorized representative must sign
smaller, modified taxable income to
casualty and theft losses (even if they
and date Form 1045.
compare to any remaining NOL.
involve nonbusiness property) and
employee business expenses (such
Make the same entries in each
Schedule A—NOL
as union dues, uniforms, tools, and
column heading as on page 1 of
Complete and file this schedule to
educational expenses).
Form 1045 (see the instructions for
determine the amount of the NOL that
Lines 10 Through 27 on page 3).
Line 7—Nonbusiness
is available for carryback or
Income Other Than Capital
Line 2
Do not take into account on this line
Line 2—Nonbusiness Capital
any NOL carryback from 2007 or
Enter income that is not from a trade
later. However, do take into account
or business. Examples are ordinary
Do not include on this line any section
NOLs that occurred in tax years
dividends, annuities, and interest on
1202 exclusion amounts (even if
before 2007 and are otherwise
entered as losses on Schedule D
allowable as carrybacks or
(Form 1040) or Schedule D (Form
Do not enter business income on
line 7. This is income from a trade or
Note. If your taxable income is
business and includes:
Line 6—Nonbusiness
shown as zero on your tax return (or
Salaries and wages,
as previously adjusted) for any
Rental income,
carryback year, refigure it without
Gain on the sale or exchange of
Enter as a positive number
limiting the result to zero, and enter it
business real estate or depreciable
deductions that are not connected
on line 2 as a negative number.
property, and
with a trade or business. They
Your share of business income
Line 3—Net Capital Loss
from a partnership or an S
IRA deductions,
Health savings account deduction,
Archer MSA deduction,
Individuals. Enter as a positive
For more details on business and
Deductions for payments on behalf
number the amount, if any, shown (or
nonbusiness income and deductions,
of a self-employed individual to a
as previously adjusted) on Schedule
see Pub. 536.
SEP, SIMPLE, or qualified plan,
D (Form 1040), line 21 (line 18 for
Alimony paid,
Line 17—Section 1202
1997– 2003).
Most itemized deductions (except
for state income tax on business
Estates and trusts. Enter as a
profits, casualty and theft losses, and
Enter as a positive number any gain
positive number the amount, if any,
any employee business expenses),
excluded under section 1202 on the
shown (or as previously adjusted) on
sale or exchange of qualified small
Schedule D (Form 1041), line 16 (line
The standard deduction.
business stock.
17 for 1997 –2003).


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