Instructions For Form 1045 - Application For Tentative Refund - 2007 Page 5


income determined after you apply
If you used TeleFile for your
1. The smaller of:
the NOL or net section 1256
original return and someone else
a. The sum of the ATNOL
contracts loss carryback. Amounts
could claim you as a dependent on
carrybacks and carryforwards to the
you may have to refigure include:
their return, enter zero if you were
tax year attributable to NOLs other
Medical expenses,
single. If you were married, see Form
than qualified GO Zone losses, or
Personal casualty and theft losses,
1040EZ for the year in question and
b. 90% of AMTI for the tax year
Miscellaneous deductions subject
complete the worksheet on the back
(figured without regard to the
to the 2% limit, and
of that form. Next, enter the amount
ATNOLD and any domestic
Itemized deductions subject to the
from line F of that worksheet on Form
production activities deduction), plus
overall limit of section 68.
1045, line 15, in the column labeled
2. The smaller of:
Do not refigure your charitable
“Before carryback” for the applicable
a. The sum of the ATNOL
contributions deduction.
year. If no one could claim you as a
carrybacks to the tax year attributable
dependent, enter the amount listed
If you have an NOL, see Pub. 536
to qualified GO Zone losses, or
above for that year.
for more information and examples.
b. AMTI for the tax year (figured
After carryback. If your
If you did not itemize deductions in
without regard to the ATNOLD and
deduction for personal exemptions in
the carryback year, enter your
any domestic production activities
the carryback year was limited based
standard deduction for that year.
deduction) reduced by the amount
on your adjusted gross income, enter
determined under (1), above.
Line 14—Exemptions
in the column labeled “After
carryback” the deduction for personal
Individuals. Enter in the column
exemptions refigured using the
Line 19—General
labeled “Before carryback” for each
adjusted gross income determined
applicable carryback year, the
after you apply the NOL or net
Business Credit
amount shown (or as previously
section 1256 contracts loss
Enter in the column labeled “After
adjusted) on Form 1040:
carryback” for each affected
Line 42 for 2005 –2006,
Estates and trusts. Enter in the
carryback year the total of the
Line 41 for 2004,
columns labeled “Before carryback”
recomputed general business credits,
Line 39 for 2003,
and “After carryback” for each
using Form 3800, 8844, or 6478, or
Line 40 for 2002,
applicable carryback year the amount
Form 8835, Section B.
Line 38 for 1998 –2001, or
shown (or as previously adjusted) on
Line 37 for 1997.
Form 1041, line 20 (line 21 for 1997).
If an NOL or net section 1256
If you filed Form 1040NR, enter
contracts loss carryback eliminates or
the amount shown (or as previously
Line 16—Income Tax
reduces a general business credit in
adjusted) on:
an earlier year, you may be able to
Refigure your tax for each carryback
Line 39 for 2005 –2006,
carry back the released credit 1 year
year after taking into account the
Line 38 for 2004,
(3 years if the credit arose in a tax
NOL or net section 1256 contracts
Line 37 for 2003,
year beginning before 1998). See
loss carryback. Include any tax from
Line 38 for 2002,
section 39 and the instructions for
Form 4970, Tax on Accumulation
Line 37 for 1998 –2001, or
Form 3800 for more details on
Distribution of Trusts, and Form 4972,
Line 36 for 1997.
general business credit carrybacks.
Tax on Lump-Sum Distributions.
If you filed Form 1040A, enter the
Attach any schedule used to figure
amount shown (or as previously
your tax or an explanation of the
Line 20—Other Credits
adjusted) on:
method used to figure the tax and, if
Line 26 for 2002 –2006,
See your tax return for the carryback
necessary, a detailed computation.
year for any additional credits such as
Line 24 for 2000 –2001,
For example, write “Tax
the earned income credit, credit for
Line 23 for 1998 –1999, or
Computation Worksheet –2005” if this
Line 21 for 1997.
child and dependent care expenses,
is the method used for that year. You
child tax credit, education credits,
If you filed Form 1040EZ and
do not need to attach a detailed
foreign tax credit, retirement savings
checked the “Yes” box on Form
computation of the tax in this case.
contributions credit, etc., that will
1040EZ, line 5 (for 2005 and 2006,
apply in that year. If you make an
the “You” box on line 5), enter zero
Line 17—Alternative
entry on this line, identify the credit(s)
(or the amount from line F (line E for
2005) of the 1040EZ worksheet if
Minimum Tax
married). If you checked the “No” box
After carryback. Refigure any
The carryback of an NOL or net
(for 2005 and 2006, you did not
credits included on this line that are
section 1256 contracts loss may
check any box), enter:
based on or limited by your tax
affect or cause you to owe alternative
$3,300 for 2006 ($6,600 if married),
liability. Use your tax liability
minimum tax. Individuals use Form
$3,200 for 2005 ($6,400 if married),
determined after you apply the NOL
6251 to figure this tax. Estates and
$3,100 for 2004 ($6,200 if married),
or net section 1256 contracts loss
trusts use Schedule I (Form 1041).
$3,050 for 2003 ($6,100 if married),
$3,000 for 2002 ($6,000 if married),
The 90% limit on the alternative
$2,900 for 2001 ($5,800 if married),
tax net operating loss deduction
Line 23—
$2,800 for 2000 ($5,600 if married),
(ATNOLD) does not apply to the
$2,750 for 1999 ($5,500 if married),
portion of an ATNOLD attributable to
Self-Employment Tax
$2,700 for 1998 ($5,400 if married),
qualified GO Zone losses. Instead,
the ATNOLD for the tax year is
Do not adjust self-employment tax
$2,650 for 1997 ($5,300 if married).
limited to the sum of:
because of any carryback.


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