Instructions For Form 1045 - Application For Tentative Refund - 2007 Page 4


part of the loss is carried back to the
that your are electing to treat any
Line 40 for 2005 –2006,
5th tax year before the loss. Any such
2007 specified liability losses without
Line 39 for 2004,
loss not used in that year is carried to
regard to the special 10-year
Line 37 for 2003,
the 4th preceding year and then
carryback rule. If you filed your
Line 38 for 2002,
applied consecutively forward through
original return on time, you can make
Line 36 for 1998 –2001, or
the 1st preceding year. Any such loss
the election on an amended return
Line 35 for 1997.
not applied in the 5 preceding years
filed within 6 months after the due
If you filed Form 1040NR, enter
can be carried forward up to 20
date of the return (excluding
the amount shown (or as previously
extensions). Attach the election to the
adjusted) on:
amended return, and write “Filed
Only the qualified GO Zone loss
Line 37 for 2005 –2006,
pursuant to section 301.9100-2” on
portion of the NOL can be carried
Line 36 for 2004,
the election statement. File the
back 5 years.
Line 35 for 2003,
amended return at the same address
Line 36 for 2002,
Example. You have a $40,000
you used for your original return.
Line 35 for 1998 –2001, or
NOL of which only $15,000 is a
Once made, the election is
Line 34 for 1997.
qualified GO Zone loss. The $15,000
If you filed Form 1040A, enter the
qualified Go Zone loss is carried back
Special rules. Special rules apply if
5 years, but the remaining $25,000
amount shown (or as previously
you filed a joint return (or a separate
loss is carried back only 2 years. Any
adjusted) on:
return) for some but not all of the tax
unused portion of this NOL can be
Line 24 for 2002 –2006,
years involved in figuring an NOL
carried forward up to 20 years.
Line 22 for 2000 –2001,
carryback. For details, see Pub. 536.
Line 21 for 1998 –1999, or
You can make an irrevocable
Attach a computation showing how
Line 19 for 1997.
election to figure the carryback period
you figured the carryback.
for a qualified GO Zone loss without
If you filed Form 1040EZ and
regard to the special 5-year carryback
checked the “Yes” box on Form
Line 11—Adjusted
rule. To make this election for 2007,
1040EZ, line 5, (for 2005 and 2006,
Gross Income
attach to your 2007 income tax return
any box on line 5), enter the amount
filed by the due date (including
shown (or as previously adjusted) on
Enter in the column labeled “Before
extensions) a statement that you are
line E (line D for 2005) of the
carryback” your adjusted gross
electing to treat any 2007 qualified
worksheet on the back of Form
income (AGI) for the carryback year
GO Zone losses without regard to the
1040EZ. If you checked the “No” box
as shown on your original or
special 5-year carryback rule. If you
(for 2005 and 2006, you did not
amended return.
filed your original return on time, you
check any box), enter:
Enter in the column labeled “After
can make the election on an
$5,150 for 2006 ($10,300 if
carryback” your adjusted gross
amended return filed within 6 months
income refigured after you apply the
after the due date of the return
$5,000 for 2005 ($10,000 if
NOL or net 1256 contracts loss
(including extensions). Attach the
election to the amended return, and
$4,850 for 2004 ($9,700 if married),
write “Filed pursuant to section
$4,750 for 2003 ($9,500 if married),
To refigure your adjusted gross
301.9100-2” on the election
$4,700 for 2002 ($7,850 if married),
income for the year in which an NOL
statement. File the amended return at
$4,550 for 2001 ($7,600 if married),
is fully absorbed or a net section
the same address you used for your
$4,400 for 2000 ($7,350 if married),
1256 contracts loss is carried back,
original return. Once made, the
$4,300 for 1999 ($7,200 if married),
refigure any items of income and any
election is irrevocable.
$4,250 for 1998 ($7,100 if married),
deductions that are based on or
limited to a percentage of your
Specified liability losses. To the
$4,150 for 1997 ($6,900 if married).
adjusted gross income. Amounts to
extent an NOL is a specified liability
refigure include:
loss (defined on page 1), that part of
If you used TeleFile for your
The special allowance for passive
the loss is carried back to the 10th
original return and someone else
activity losses from rental real estate
tax year before the loss. Any such
could claim you as a dependent on
loss not used in that year is carried to
their return, see Form 1040EZ for the
Taxable social security benefits,
the 9th preceding year and then
year in question and complete the
IRA deductions,
applied consecutively forward through
worksheet on the back of that form.
The student loan interest
the 1st preceding year. Any such loss
Next, enter the amount from line E of
that is not applied in the 10 preceding
that worksheet on Form 1045, line 13,
The tuition and fees deduction,
years can be carried forward up to 20
in the column labeled “Before
Excludable savings bond interest,
carryback” for the applicable year. If
no one could claim you as a
Only the specified liability loss
The exclusion of amounts received
dependent, enter the amount listed
portion of the NOL can be carried
under an employer’s adoption
above for that year.
back 10 years.
assistance program.
You can make an irrevocable
After carryback. If you itemized
election to figure the carryback period
deductions in the carryback year,
Line 12—Deductions
for a specified liability loss without
enter in the column labeled “After
regard to the special 10-year
Individuals. Enter in the column
carryback” the total of your
carryback rule. To make this election
labeled “Before carryback” for each
deductions after refiguring any that
for 2007, attach to your 2007 income
applicable carryback year the amount
are based on, or limited to a
tax return filed by the due date
shown (or as previously adjusted) on
percentage of, your adjusted gross
(including extensions) a statement
Form 1040:
income. Use your adjusted gross


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