Instructions For Form 1045 - Application For Tentative Refund - 2007 Page 3


apply the carryback. Generally, an
years. See the instructions for line 10
preceding years can be carried
unused general business credit can
on this page to figure the tax years to
forward up to 20 years.
be carried back 1 year. Make the
which you can carry an NOL. Use the
Only the eligible loss portion of the
recomputation on Form 3800 (or
remaining pairs of columns for each
NOL can be carried back 3 years.
Form 8844, Form 6478, or Form
consecutive preceding tax year until
Example. You have a $20,000
8835, Section B, if applicable) for the
the loss is fully absorbed. Enter the
NOL of which only $5,000 is an
tax year of the tentative allowance.
ordinal number of years the loss is
eligible loss. The $5,000 eligible loss
being carried back and the date the
If you filed a joint return (or
is carried back 3 years, but the
carryback year ends in the spaces
separate return) for some but not all
remaining $15,000 loss is carried
provided in the headings above line
of the tax years involved in figuring
back only 2 years, although you had
10 for each pair of columns.
the unused credit carryback, special
modified taxable income of more than
rules apply to figuring the carryback.
Example. Your tax year is the
$5,000 in the 3rd preceding year.
See the instructions for Form 3800.
2007 calendar year and you are
Farming losses. To the extent the
carrying an NOL back 2 years. You
NOL is a farming loss (defined on
Line 1c—Net Section
enter “2nd” and “12/31/05” in the left
page 1), that part of the loss is
column heading in the spaces
1256 Contracts Loss
carried back to the 5th tax year
provided. The column heading now
before the loss. Any such loss not
An individual can elect to carry back a
reads “2nd preceding tax year ended
used in that year is carried to the 4th
net section 1256 contracts loss to
preceding year and then applied
each of the 3 tax years preceding the
For each carryback year, enter in
consecutively forward through the 1st
loss year. An estate or trust is not
the column labeled “Before
preceding year. Any such loss not
eligible to make this election. To
carryback” the amounts for the
applied in the 5 preceding years can
make the election, check box D at the
carryback year as shown on your
be carried forward up to 20 years.
top of Form 6781. The amount which
original or amended return. If the
Only the farming loss portion of the
can be used in any prior tax year
amounts were previously adjusted by
NOL can be carried back 5 years.
cannot exceed the net section 1256
you or the IRS, enter the amounts
contract gain in that year and cannot
Example. You operate a farming
after adjustment.
increase or create an NOL for that
business and incur an NOL of
year. Reflect the carryback as a
$50,000 for 2007. $25,000 of the
Line 10—NOL Deduction
reduction to your adjusted gross
NOL is attributable to income and
income in the “After carryback”
After Carryback
deductions of your farming business;
column on line 10. Attach to Form
$10,000 is attributable to a fire in your
Use the following rules to figure the
1045 a copy of Form 6781 and
personal residence (an eligible loss);
tax years to which you must carry an
Schedule D (Form 1040) for the year
and the remaining $15,000 is
NOL shown on Schedule A, line 25. If
of the net section 1256 contracts loss
attributable to your spouse’s work as
an NOL is not fully absorbed in a year
and an amended Form 6781 and an
an employee. The $25,000 farming
to which it is carried, complete
amended Schedule D (Form 1040)
loss is carried back 5 years; the
Schedule B to figure the amount to
for each carryback year. For more
$10,000 eligible loss is carried back 3
carry to the next carryback year.
details, see section 1212(c).
years; and the remaining $15,000
Note. You may need to use
loss is carried back 2 years. Any
Line 9
additional Forms 1045 to carry back
unused portion of this NOL can be
an NOL. Complete lines 1 through 9
carried forward up to 20 years.
If an NOL or net section 1256
and Schedule A on only one Form
contracts loss carryback eliminates or
You can make an irrevocable
1045. Use this Form 1045 for the
reduces a prior year foreign tax
election to figure the carryback period
earliest preceding tax years. You
credit, you cannot use Form 1045 to
for a farming loss without regard to
must sign this Form 1045, but do not
carry the released foreign tax credits
the special 5-year carryback rule. To
need to sign the other Forms 1045.
to earlier years. Also, if the released
make this election for 2007, attach to
foreign tax credits result in the
General rule. You generally must
your 2007 income tax return filed by
release of general business credits,
carry back the entire NOL to the 2nd
the due date (including extensions) a
you cannot use Form 1045 to carry
tax year before the loss year. Any
statement that you are electing to
the released general business credits
loss not used in the 2nd preceding
treat any 2007 farming losses without
to earlier years. Instead, you must file
year is then carried to the 1st
regard to the special 5-year carryback
Form 1040X or other amended return
preceding year. Any loss not applied
rule. If you filed your original return on
to claim refunds for those years. For
in the 2 preceding years can be
time, you can make the election on
details, see Rev. Rul. 82-154, 1982-2
carried forward up to 20 years. The
an amended return filed within 6
C.B. 394.
2-year carryback period does not
months after the due date of the
apply to the portion of an NOL
return (excluding extensions). Attach
Lines 10 Through 27—
attributable to an eligible loss, a
the election to the amended return,
farming loss, a qualified GO Zone
and write “Filed pursuant to section
Computation of
loss, or a specified liability loss.
301.9100-2” on the election
Decrease in Tax
statement. File the amended return at
Eligible losses. To the extent the
the same address you used for your
Use one pair of columns to enter
NOL is an eligible loss (defined on
original return. Once made, the
amounts before and after carryback
page 1), it is carried back to the 3rd
election is irrevocable.
for each year to which the loss is
tax year before the loss. Any loss not
being carried. Start with the earliest
used in that year is carried to the 2nd
Qualified GO Zone losses. To the
carryback year. A net section 1256
and then the 1st preceding year. Any
extent the NOL is a qualified GO
contracts loss can be carried back 3
such loss that is not applied in the 3
Zone loss (defined on page 1), that


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