Instructions For Form 1045 - Application For Tentative Refund - 2007 Page 2


Complete lines 1 through 9 and
Form 1040X or Other
Processing the
Schedule A on only one Form 1045.
Amended Return
Use this Form 1045 for the earliest
preceding tax years. You must sign
Individuals can get a refund by filing
The IRS will process your application
this Form 1045, but do not need to
Form 1040X, Amended U.S.
within 90 days from the later of:
sign the other Forms 1045.
Individual Income Tax Return, instead
The date you file the complete
of Form 1045. An estate or trust can
application, or
Where To File
file an amended Form 1041, U.S.
The last day of the month that
Income Tax Return for Estates and
File Form 1045 with the Internal
includes the due date (including
Trusts. Generally, you must file an
Revenue Service Center for the place
extensions) for filing your 2007
amended return no later than 3 years
where you live as shown in the
income tax return (or, for a claim of
after the due date of the return for the
instructions for your 2007 income tax
right adjustment, the date of the
applicable tax year.
overpayment under section
If you use Form 1040X or other
Do not include Form 1045 in
amended return, follow the
the same envelope as your
instructions for that return. Attach to
The processing of Form 1045 and
2007 income tax return.
the amended return a copy of
the payment of the requested refund
Schedule A of Form 1045 showing
does not mean the IRS has accepted
What To Attach
the computation of the NOL and, if
your application as correct. If the IRS
applicable, a copy of Schedule B of
Attach copies of the following, if
later determines that the claimed
Form 1045 showing the computation
applicable, to Form 1045 for the year
deductions or credits are due to an
of the NOL carryover. Complete a
of the loss or credit:
overstatement of the value of
separate Form 1040X or other
If you are an individual, pages 1
property, negligence, disregard of
amended return for each year for
and 2 of your 2007 Form 1040 and
rules, or substantial understatement
which you request an adjustment.
Schedules A, D, and J (Form 1040), if
of income tax, you may have to pay
The procedures for Form 1040X
penalties. Any additional tax also will
and Form 1045 are different. The IRS
Any Form 4952, Investment
generate interest compounded daily.
is not required to process your Form
Interest Expense Deduction, attached
1040X within 90 days. However, if we
to your 2007 income tax return,
The IRS may need to contact you
do not process it within 6 months
All Schedules K-1 you received
or your authorized representative (for
from the date you file it, you can file
from partnerships, S corporations,
example, your accountant or tax
suit in court. If the IRS disallows your
estates, or trusts that contribute to the
return preparer) for more information
claim on Form 1040X and you
so we can process your application. If
disagree with that determination, you
Any application for extension of
you want to designate a
must file suit no later than 2 years
time to file your 2007 income tax
representative for us to contact,
after the date we disallow it.
attach a copy of your authorization to
All Forms 8886, Reportable
Form 1045. For this purpose, you can
Additional Information
Transaction Disclosure Statement,
use Form 2848, Power of Attorney
attached to your 2007 income tax
For more details on NOLs, see Pub.
and Declaration of Representative.
536, Net Operating Losses (NOLs)
Forms 8302, Electronic Deposit of
for Individuals, Estates, and Trusts.
Tax Refund of $1 Million or More,
Disallowance of the
All other forms and schedules from
which a carryback results, such as
Specific Instructions
Schedule C or F (Form 1040; Form
Your application is not treated as a
3800, General Business Credit; Form
claim for credit or refund. It may be
6781, Gains and Losses From
disallowed if it has material omissions
Section 1256 Contracts and
or math errors that are not corrected
P.O. box. Enter your box number
Straddles; or Form 8586, Low-Income
within the 90-day period. If the
only if your post office does not
Housing Credit, and
application is disallowed in whole or
deliver mail to your street address.
All forms or schedules for items
in part, no suit challenging the
Foreign address. Enter the
refigured in the carryback years, such
disallowance can be brought in any
information in the following order:
as Form 3800; Form 6251,
court. But you can file a regular claim
City, province or state, and country.
Alternative Minimum Tax —
for credit or refund before the
Follow the country’s practice for
Individuals; Form 6781; Form 8586;
limitation period expires, as explained
entering the postal code. Do not
or Form 8844, Empowerment Zone
later under Form 1040X or Other
abbreviate the country name.
and Renewal Community
Amended Return.
Employment Credit; or Form 8884,
Line 1b—Unused
New York Liberty Zone Business
Employee Credit.
Excessive Allowances
General Business Credit
Any amount applied, credited, or
You must attach copies of all
If you claim a tentative refund based
refunded based on this application
required forms listed above,
on the carryback of an unused
that the IRS later determines to be
and complete all lines on
general business credit, attach a
excessive may be billed as if it were
Form 1045 that apply to you.
detailed computation showing how
due to a math or clerical error on the
Otherwise, your application may be
you figured the credit carryback and a
recomputation of the credit after you


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