Form Va-1 - Application For Voluntary Association Page 4

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Page 2
Attach any additional statement which may be required for the type of business to be conducted.
Check here if you have attached a separate additional statement.
Check here acknowledging that the members of the association consent to recognition of the application by the laws of
the State of West Virginia with respect to corporation to the voluntary association.
Check here if the association will apply for a license to sell alcoholic beverages. The members agree to the following:
The purpose of this restaurant and business establishment will be that of selling, servicing and disbursing alcoholic
beverages, providing that a West Virginia Alcoholic Beverage Control Commission License is issued, and for the
disbursing of food and foodstuffs from its kitchen facilities located on said premise and any and all other business
activities pertinent to and being a common part of the general business of restaurants, bars, supper clubs and related
businesses of this type.
The aforesaid officers, herinabove stated, mutually convenant and agree that they join themselves together for a
common business purpose and, as such association members and officers, they fully intend to perform all the duties
and fuctions of their particular offices, and that by their subsequent signatures to their Agreement of Association,
they do pledge themselves to join in a common effort for the promotion and financial success of this said restaurant
Said officers further mutually covenant and agree that they shall not knowingly violate any law of the State of West
Virginia and or the United States of America and that they shall operate said restaurant business establishment at all
times in a lawful manner and in a clean and decent atmosphere. Said officers further mutually covenant and agree
that they shall make a proper accounting of said business and meet their obligations in as responsible a business
manner as is available to them, and that no officer nor member of this association shall, in any way, cause his or her
interest to be sold or disposed of unless first offering his or her interest to be sold to other members of this associa-
tion as their right of first refusal to purchase the same.
This Agreement of Association is made and entered into by all members hereto as a joint venture and shall be
treated as such until otherwise indicated. The members of this association by their signatures to this agreement,
mutually covenant and state that they have read the foregoing agreement and consent to all the terms and conditions
herein contained.
The number of acres of land it holds or expects to hold in West Virginia is
Signature and Contact Information
a. Contact person to reach in case there is a problem with filing: _______________________________
Phone #_____________________
b. Print Name of person who is signing articles of association:
c. Signature of Organizer or Member: ___________________________________________________
Date: ________________________


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