Ibps Clerk Mains Exam Template With Answers Page 9


IBPS Clerk Mains : Part - 1
3. 9105.75
1. 15 days
4. 9505.75
2. 10 days
5. 9205.75
3. 5 days
4. 20 days
5. 12 days
36. A number when divided by 169 leaves 78 as
remainder. what would be the remainder when
the same number is divided by 13 ?
39. What approximate value should come in place
of the question mark (?) in the following
1. 0
questions. 25.675% of 1321 + 64.328% of 4001= ?
2. 1
1. 2890
3. 6
2. 2500
4. 9
3. 2690
5. 10
4. 1290
5. None of these
37. wo trains start from stations A and B travel
towards each other at speeds of 50 km/hour and
60 km/hour respectively . At the time of their
40. The difference between the simple interest
meeting , the second train has travelled 120 km
received from two different sources on Rs. 1500
more than the first. The distance between A and B
for 3 years is Rs. 13.50. The difference between
their rate of interest is
1. 990 km
1. 0.20%
2. 1200 km
2. 0.15%
3. 1320 km
3. 0.30%
4. 1440 km
4. 0.20%
5. 1250 km
5. 0.5%
38. P takes 10 days more than Q to complete a
41. The ratio between the present ages of P and Q
piece of work. If both of them can complete the
is 6:7. If Q is 4 years old than P. What will be the
work in 6(2/3 )days, in how many days can P alone
ratio of the ages of P and Q after 4 years?
complete the work?
Page 9


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