Ibps Clerk Mains Exam Template With Answers Page 23


IBPS Clerk Mains : Part - 1
Directions( 126 – 130): In each of the following
questions two statements (A) and (B) are given.
123. A retiring President was asked who would
These statements may be either independent
succeed him as head of the firm , and he replied
causes or may be effects of independent causes or
,"The father of my successor is my father's son,
a common cause.
but I have no brothers or sons."Who will succeed
One of these statements may be the effect of the
him ?
other statement. Read both the statements and
decide which of the following answer choice
(a) Himself
correctly depicts the relationship between these
(b) His nephew
two statements
Give answer
(c) his Daughter
(1) if statement (A) is the cause and statement (B) is its
(d) His sister
(2) if statement (B) is the cause and statement (A) is its
(3) if both the statements (A) and (B) are independent
124. Looking at a portrait, a man said ,"That man's
father is my father's son. Brothers and Sisters I
(4) if both the statements (A) and (B) are effects of
have none." At whose portrait was the man
independent causes
looking ?
(5) if both the statements (A) and (B) are effects of
some common causes
(a) His own
(b) His son's
126. A. The local administration announces to
block many roads of the town for one day owing
(c) His father's
to influx of many pilgrims.
B. Many schools of the town declared holiday on
(d) His uncle's
the day. Pilgrims came to the town.
127. A. The prices of vegetables have reduced
125. Pointing to the lady in the photograph ,
considerably during the past two weeks.
Seema said, "Her son's father is the son-in-law of
B. The prices of foodgrains have reduced
my mother." How is Seema related to the lady?
considerably during the past two weeks.
(a) Sister
128. A. The employees of an union of an
(b) Mother
organizations have appealed to its members to
give their best to boost production in the coming
(c) Cousin
(d) Aunt
B. The management of an organization has
announced productivity linked bonus for its
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