Ibps Clerk Mains Exam Template With Answers Page 11


IBPS Clerk Mains : Part - 1
the average weight (rounded off to the nearest
50. A train has a length of 150 meters . it is passing
integer) of all the men and the women together?
a man who is moving at 2 km/hr in the same
direction of the train, in 3 seconds. Find out the
1. 52 kg
speed of the train.
2. 66 kg
1. 180 kmph
3. 63 kg
2. 182 kmph
4. 60 kg
3. 185 kmph
5. 50 kg
4. 190 kmph
5. 195 kmph
48. Steve is older than Mark by 4 years. If the
ratio of their current ages is 7:9, what will be the
corresponding new ratio of their ages when Mark
is twice as old as he is now?
Directions (51 –60): Read the following passage
carefully and answer the questions given below it.
1. 2:3
2. 1:4
India’s tourism industry is experiencing a strong
period of growth, driven by the burgeoning Indian
3. 2:5
middle class, growth in high spending foreign tourists,
and coordinated government campaigns to promote
4. 7:8
‘Incredible India’. The tourism industry in India is
5. 6:8
substantial and vibrant, and the country is fast
becoming a major global destination. India’s travel
and tourism industry is one of them most profitable
industries in the country, and also credited with
49. A, B and C can do a work in 20, 30 and 60 days
contributing a substantial amount of foreign
respectively. How many days does it need to
exchange. This is illustrated by the fact that during
complete the work if A does the work and he is
2006, four million tourists visited India and spent US
assisted by B and C on every third day?
$8.9 billion. Several reasons are cited for the growth
1. 10 days
and prosperity of India’s travel and tourism industry.
Economic growth has added millions annually to the
2. 12 days
ranks of India’s middle
class, a group that is driving domestic tourism growth.
3. 8 days
Disposable income in India has grown by 10.11%
4. 15 days
annually from 2001-2006, and much of that is being
spent on travel. Thanks in part to its booming IT and
5. 5 days
outsourcing industry a growing number of business
trips are made by foreigners to India, who will often
Page 11


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