Ibps Clerk Mains Exam Template With Answers Page 10


IBPS Clerk Mains : Part - 1
1. 2:3
1. 16/25
2. 5:8
2. 17/29
3. 1:2
3. 15/25
4. 7:8
4. 12/15
5. None of these
5. 10/25
42. The average score of 11 matches is 50. If the
45. The salaries of P,Q and R are in the ratio
average score of first 6 matches is 49 and that of
5:3:2.If the increments of 20% ,10% and 20% are
last 6 is 52, find the sixth match score?
allowed in their salaries, then what will be the
new ratio of their salaries ?
1. 42
1. 20: 11: 18
2. 58
2. 20: 11:15
3. 56
3. 20:11:12
4. 52
4. 20:11:10
5. 45
5. None of these
43. The Simple interest on a certain sum for 2
years at 10% per annum is Rs. 90. The
46. The cost of fencing a circular plot at the rate of
corresponding compound interest is?
Rs15 per m is Rs 6600. What will be the cost of
flooring the plot at the rate of Rs 50 per sq m?
1. 94.5
1. 6,70,000
2. 92.6
2. 5,50,000
3. 94.2
3. 7,70,000
4. 94.1
4. 6,50,000
5. 92.5
5. 5,60,000
44. A box contain 10 Black balls, 7 White balls and
12 Red balls. A ball is drawn at random. What is
47. Average weight of 20 men is 72 kgs, and the
the probability that the ball drawn is either Black
average weight of 34 women is 62.5 kgs. What is
or White ?
Page 10


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