Form 8201 - Wyoming Annual Gross Products For Uranium Page 4

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(REV. 02/08/10)
Line 19: Enter the average haulage distance which took place in the mine, from the point of severance up to the mouth of the mine. Report this
distance in miles, rounded to two decimal places (for example, 2.22 miles). Divide this distance by the distance reported on line 21 and enter the
percentage, rounded to 6 decimal places (for example 12.3456%).
Line 20: Enter the average haulage distance which took place on the surface, past the mouth of the mine. Report this distance in miles, rounded
to two decimal places (for example, 3.33 miles). Divide this distance by the distance reported on line 21 and enter the percentage, rounded to 6
decimal places (for example 12.3456%).
Line 21: Enter the sum of the average haulage distances (in miles) as reported on lines 19 and 20, rounded to 2 decimal places (for example,
5.55 miles). Make sure the percentages entered on lines 19 and 20 total 100%.
Line 22: Calculate the sum of the total direct transportation costs reported on line 12 and the total indirect transportation costs reported on line
18. Multiply this sum by the in-mine transportation percentage reported on line 19.
Line 23: Calculate the sum of the total direct transportation costs reported on line 12 and the total indirect transportation costs reported on line
18. Multiply this sum by the out-of-mine transportation percentage reported on line 20.
Line 24: Enter the total pounds of uranium produced during the reporting period.
Line 25: Enter the total pounds of uranium transported from the mine face to the point of sale (f.o.b. mine) during the reporting period.
Line 26: Enter the total pounds of uranium processed during the reporting period.


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