Form 8401 - Wyoming Annual Gross Products Report For Bentonite Page 5

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Line 23: Enter the total wet tons of bentonite milled (fed to processing) during the reporting period. Enter the average moisture content percentage of the
wet tons of bentonite milled (fed to processing) during the reporting period.
Line 24: Enter the total dry tons of bentonite yielded after milling (output after processing) during the reporting period. Enter the average moisture
content percentage of the dry tons of bentonite yielded after milling (output after processing) during the reporting period.
Lines 25 through 30: Enter the tons and sales value of bentonite sold from each category during the reporting period.
Line 31: Enter the sum of bentonite sales in tons and sales value reported on line 25 through line 30.
Line 32: Enter the total direct mining costs reported in the MINING column on line 14 of Schedule A (Form 8451).
Line 33: Enter the direct in-mine transportation costs reported on line 19 of Schedule A (Form 8451).
Line 34: Enter the sum of line 32 and line 33.
Line 35: Enter the result of dividing line 34 by the total wet tons mined reported on line by line 21, rounded to 6 decimal places (for example,
Line 36: Enter the total direct mining cost per ton (including in-mine transportation) for your prior year bentonite production, as computed by the
Department. This number is found in column number 21 of the taxable value computation you received for your previous years bentonite production.
Report this number rounded to 6 decimal places (for example 5.123456).
Line 37: Enter the result of subtracting line 36 from line 35, rounded to 6 decimal places (for example, 5.123456).
Line 38: Enter the result of dividing line 37 by line 36, rounded to 6 decimal places (for example, .123456).
Line 39: Enter the weighted average sales value per ton of oil well, taconite, and foundry products sold in the current year, computed in accordance with
W.S. 39-14-403(b)(iv)(A)(III), rounded to 6 decimal places (for example, 5.123456). Please attach a schedule showing your computations.
Line 40: Enter the weighted average sales value per ton of oil well, taconite, and foundry products sold in the prior year, computed in accordance with
W.S. 39-14-403(b)(iv)(A)(III), rounded to 6 decimal places (for example, 5.123456). Please attach a schedule showing your computations.
Line 41: Enter the result of subtracting line 40 from line 39, rounded to 6 decimal places (for example, 5.123456).
Line 42: Enter the result of dividing line 41 by line 40, rounded to 6 decimal places (for example, .123456).
Line 43: Enter the result of subtracting line 38 from line 42, rounded to 6 decimal places (for example, .123456).


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