Form Tt-13 - Virginia Monthly Report Of Cigarette Stamping Agent Page 8

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Report Verifi cation and Contact Information: The
Schedule D: List details of all packs of cigarette
company representative submitting the TT-13 must
packs affi xed with a Virginia Cigarette Revenue
print his or her name and title, and then sign and
Stamp during the month.
date the report. The individual signing the report
Column A: Enter the full brand family name. Do
must be an offi cer or principal of the company.
not list brand style or abbreviate. For example, a
The e-mail address and telephone number of the
cigarette named Alpha Bravo Gold Menthol Lights
person to contact regarding the report must be
should be listed as Alpha Bravo Gold. Do not
provided. The TT-13 is not considered complete
report as AB Gold or AB Gold Menthol Lights.
until this verifi cation information has been
Column B:
Enter the name and address of
the supplier from whom the cigarettes were
Schedules A, B, C and D must be completed and
Column C: Enter the number of cigarette packs to
submitted with the Form TT-13.
The TT-13 is
which you affi xed the Virginia Cigarette Revenue
not considered complete until all schedules have
Stamp. Do not include cigarette packs purchased
been received.
with the Virginia Cigarette Revenue Stamp already
affi xed.
Late fi ling penalties will be assessed for incomplete
Column D: Indicate if stamped packs were packs
of 20 or 25.
Existing in-house computer reports containing
the same information in the same format as the
When to File
schedules are acceptable, provided they are
printed on 8 ½ x 11 paper (no legal paper or “green
Form TT-13 and supporting schedules must
bar” paper).
be received by the Department of Taxation by
the twentieth of each month to report stamping
Schedule A:
List packages of unstamped
activity for the previous month. Reports received
cigarettes received into inventory during the
after the 20th of the month are subject to a $250
Additional sheets may be attached if
late fi ling penalty. A stamping agent’s permit is
necessary, provided that they use the same
subject to revocation if two or more reports are
format and include all information requested on
fi led late within a calendar year.
the schedule.
Schedule B: List the details of each purchase
Where to File
of Virginia Cigarette Revenue Stamps received
during the month.
Mail your completed Form TT-13 to:
Tobacco Unit
Schedule C, Part 1: List names and addresses
Department of Taxation
of all non-Virginia customers to whom cigarette
P.O. Box 715
packs, without a Virginia Cigarette Revenue
Richmond, VA 23218-0715
Stamp, were sold during the month. Indicate the
state to which cigarette excise taxes where paid.
Schedule C, Part 2: List names and address of
For Form TT-13 information and assistance,
all Tax-Exempt customers to whom unstamped
contact the Tobacco Unit at 804-371-0730, or e-
cigarette packs were sold during the month. Tax-
mail your inquiry to:
exempt customers are those specifi cally identifi ed
by the Code of Virginia §58.1-1010.


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