Form Tt-13 - Virginia Monthly Report Of Cigarette Stamping Agent Page 7

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Line 4: Total unstamped cigarette packs sold
during month. Enter the Total from Schedule C,
Form TT-13, Monthly Report of Cigarette Stamping
Parts 1 and 2.
Agent, must be fi led by all Virginia-based entities
that have been granted a Virginia Cigarette Tax
Line 5: Enter the difference between Lines 3 and
Stamping Permit.
Non-Virginia based entities
must fi le a Form TT-14. See separate instructions
Line 6: Enter the total number of cigarette packs
for completing a Form TT-14.
affi xed with a Virginia Revenue stamp during the
A completed TT-13 must be received by the
month from Schedule D.
Department of Taxation by the twentieth of each
Line 7: Enter number of unstamped cigarette
month to report stamping activity for the previous
packs returned to manufacturer during the month
month. All permit holders must fi le a TT-13, even
(Stamped returns would be included in Schedule
if there was no stamping activity for the previous
D totals).
Line 8: Enter the result of Line 5 minus lines 6
Line by Line Instructions
and 7. This is your unstamped cigarette inventory
(in packs) at the end of the month.
It is recommended that the supporting
schedules be prepared before completing the
Section II–Stamp Movement Reconciliation
Form TT-13.
Please note that all entries are recorded in number
Name and Address: Enter the stamping agent’s
of Revenue Stamps.
full name and physical address (No post offi ce
Line 9: Enter your beginning Virginia Cigarette
Revenue Stamp inventory.
This should equal
Month/Year: Enter the month and year for which
Line 14 from the previous month.
you are reporting stamping activity.
Line 10: Enter total number of Virginia Cigarette
Permit Number: Enter the permit number issued
Revenue Stamps purchased during the month, as
to you by the Virginia Department of Taxation.
reported on Schedule B.
Line 11: Enter the sum of lines 9 and 10.
Section I – Cigarette Reconciliation
Line 12: Enter total Virginia Cigarette Revenue
Please note that all entries are recorded in
Stamps affi xed from Column C of Schedule D.
packages of cigarettes (not tax values):
Line 13:
Enter number of Virginia Cigarette
Line 1: Enter in appropriate twenty (20) or twenty-
Revenue Stamps returned to the manufacturer or
fi ve (25) pack columns all unstamped cigarette
Department of Taxation, for credit. Enter any other
packs in inventory on the fi rst day of the reporting
inventory adjustments. Any other adjustments
must be explained in a separate attachment.
Line 2: Enter the number of unstamped packs
Line 14: Enter the result of line 11 minus lines
of cigarettes that were received during the month
12 and 13. This is your ending Virginia Cigarette
(from Schedule A).
Revenue Stamp inventory.
Line 3: Enter the sum of Lines 1 and 2.


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