City To Deploy Ambulances To Save Organs - Middle School Reading Article Worksheet Page 2


Vale Middle School – Reading Article
City to Deploy Ambulances to Save Organs
Notes on my thoughts,
believed they had solved any ethical problems by adopting what they called very
reactions and questions as I
conservative standards for who would qualify as a donor.
To overcome fears that patients would be allowed to die for the sake of their organs,
officials said that doctors and paramedics trying to resuscitate a patient would not be
told whether the preservation unit was waiting in the wings until a supervisor had
given the order to stop rescue efforts. The organ team, which will travel in a bright
red and white ambulance marked “Organ Preservation Unit,” is supposed to remain
out of sight.
The dead person would have to have registered as a donor through a card, driver’s
license or online registry, and the family would also have to give consent.
The trial, which is being financed with a $1.5 million federal grant, is limited: to
most areas of Manhattan, to the hours of 4 p.m. to midnight, to adults between 18
and 60, and to people who die of cardiac arrest at home or another residence.
To satisfy concerns that evidence of a crime could be destroyed in the harvesting
process, a police detective sergeant would go to the home to be sure that there had
been no foul play.
Officials said they would not harvest organs from anybody who had been involved
in a crime scene, whether a poisoning or stabbing or shooting. Dr. Lewis Goldfrank,
director of emergency services at Bellevue Hospital Center, a city hospital, said that
in a case of foul play, he thought it “highly unlikely there will be a loved one or
authorized person in the room calling in to 911 and still staying there” when the
police and organ preservation team arrived.
Dr. Goldfrank said that he would like to see the program expanded to other types of
deaths, perhaps even from car crashes or homicides, but that at this point,
government agencies were reluctant to allow that. “If we prove that you can take the
body and successfully do this, that will be the next step,” he said.
Dr. Goldfrank said that he hoped there would be at least one case during the
December-to-May trial period that would end with a transplant. But he and other
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