The Giver Story Elements Book
To print the Story Elements Book
Print the cover and blank page (which will be the back of your book) on one side of the paper and the pages labeled 1 and 6 on the reverse
side of the page.
Print the pages labeled 3 and 4 on a second piece of paper with the pages labeled 5 and 2 on the reverse side.
Once printed make sure the numbers are in chronological order when the book is folded in half on the dotted lines.
Staple the book on the fold.
This is how to set your printer to print a
two-sided copy:
Two Sided Printing (Drop down list)
Select (Manually)
Click OK
Select Pages 2 to 5
Click OK
Once the two pages have printed, you will need to place these pages back into the printer and tell the printing job to resume.
Now multiple copies can easily be printed in a copier for students’ use