Form H-8120-1 - Guidlines For Conductiong Tribal Consultation - Bureau Of Land Managment Page 5


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A. Purpose and Goal of this Handbook. This Handbook replaces H-8160-1 (Rel.8-65;
11/3/94), "General Procedural Guidance for Native American Consultation." Compared to
the replaced edition, this Handbook narrows the span of coverage to focus mainly on the
"cultural resource" laws, executive orders, and regulations. It also covers new authorities
and policies, as does the new Manual Section 8120, "Tribal Consultation under Cultural
Resource Authorities." As before, the Handbook's overall purpose is to assist BLM
managers and staff members in carrying out their assigned tribal consultation
responsibilities and roles. Its goal is to help assure (1) that federally recognized tribal
governments and Native American individuals, whose traditional uses of public land might
be affected by a proposed BLM action, will have sufficient opportunity to contribute to the
decision, and (2) that the decision maker will give tribal concerns proper consideration. The
difference is that the new Manual Section and Handbook, unlike the earlier versions, do not
endeavor to cover all aspects of BLM-tribal relations under the full range of legal
B. This Handbook's Place in the BLM Manual System.
1. 8120 Manual: The 8120 Manual consists of Manual Section 8120 ("Tribal
Consultation Under Cultural Resource Authorities") and this Handbook, H-8120-1. As a
component of the 8100 "cultural resource management" Manual series, the 8120 Manual is
primarily aimed toward implementing the tribal coordination and consultation
responsibilities that stem from historic-preservation, archaeological resource-protection,
and related cultural resource authorities.
2. 1600- and 1700-Series Manuals: As representatives of the United States
Government, BLM's line managers maintain ongoing relations with their tribal counterparts
and assure adequate and timely tribal involvement in BLM decisions. These are executive
rather than technical-program duties. Accordingly, the subject of tribal relations should
appropriately be covered in the BLM's broad administrative Manual series, particularly in
the Manual Sections and Handbooks dealing with the planning and environmental
assessment phases of decision making. Until tribal consultation sections are incorporated in
those Manual series, managers and their supporting staffs may use this Handbook for
general guidance.
BLM Manual
Rel. 8-75
Supersedes Rel. 8-65


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