Form H-8120-1 - Guidlines For Conductiong Tribal Consultation - Bureau Of Land Managment Page 41


App.1 - 1
Policy on Compensation to Native Americans for
Their Participation in the BLM's Administrative Process
Issue Summary:
Native American individuals and organizations sometimes ask the BLM for
payment or other compensation in return for bringing Native American issues to the
BLM's attention and providing the BLM with information on Native American
interests and concerns that relate to the BLM's land use planning, environmental
review, and other legal-regulatory administrative requirements.
The BLM does not compensate individuals or organizations – including Native
American individuals, Indian tribes, Indian communities, and Indian
organizations – for contributing information or comments as input into the
BLM's administrative process.
Purpose of input. In the regular course of business, the BLM frequently invites
input from Indian tribal officials, members of Native American communities, and
practitioners of traditional culture and religion, as well as from other potentially
affected parties and members of the general population. The BLM requests this
input to satisfy legal requirements aimed at ensuring balance of perspectives in
protecting the greater public interest. The input that Native Americans choose to
provide may benefit their particular interests relative to future BLM actions or
decisions. As with other participants, Native Americans' contributions to the BLM
administrative process are a form of voluntary participation.
Ambiguous terminology. Some misunderstanding seems to result from use of the
term "consultation." As used in this context, the term means conducting a dialogue,
exchanging information. A participant in this kind of consultation is not a
"consultant" in the way that a contractor who provides technical services might be
called a consultant. Accordingly, "consultants' fees" are never appropriate to this
kind of consultation.
BLM Manual
Rel. 8-75
Supersedes Rel. 8-65


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