Form H-8120-1 - Guidlines For Conductiong Tribal Consultation - Bureau Of Land Managment Page 37


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H. Correspondence Content
Whether correspondence is meant to serve as notification or as a written precursor or
supplement to direct, person-to-person consultation, there are certain correspondence
guidelines that apply in either case.
In general, correspondence should——
identify the purpose of the letter (i.e., the action being proposed and the
specific legal/regulatory basis for writing);
identify a BLM contact person and how to reach him/her (if for consultation,
note that a call or visit will follow);
specifically request the kind of Native American input needed (such as
identification of potential cultural concerns);
provide an opportunity for a meeting; and
solicit the names and addresses of other persons who should be notified or
Some additional clauses that might be appropriate under certain circumstances include:
Referrals: "If you are not the appropriate individual to receive this request,
please advise whom we should contact."
Flexible meeting proposals: "If this time and location are not appropriate,
please contact [_____] within [___] days prior to the scheduled meeting to
make alternative meeting arrangements."
Documentation requests: "Please indicate on the enclosed map, if possible,
areas of specific concern," or "Please provide or refer us to any available
information that would help us to understand the significance and nature of
traditional cultural concerns in the [area of proposed action] for the
[proposed action] for the [group or tribe name]."
If a letter is returned as undeliverable, include the canceled, unopened letter in the official
file and, if appropriate, begin more direct (and documented) attempts to carry out the
notification or consultation.
BLM Manual
Rel. 8-75
Supersedes Rel. 8-65


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