Form H-8120-1 - Guidlines For Conductiong Tribal Consultation - Bureau Of Land Managment Page 34


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C. When in the Decision Making Process to Start Consultation
One of a manager's earliest steps in the decision cycle, regardless of the scale of the
decision, should be to determine whether the decision could have consequences for Native
American issues or concerns. Of course, this entails an information-based judgment, so the
degree of effort involved in making the determination will depend on how far along the
unit is in gathering information and establishing relationships with Indian tribes and other
Native American groups. The less of this that has been done, the more lead-time will be
needed to make a good determination.
In any case where it appears likely that the nature and/or the location of an activity could
affect Native American issues or concerns, the BLM manager should initiate appropriate
consultation with potentially affected Native Americans, as soon as possible after the
general outlines of the land use plan or the proposed land use decision can be described.
Owing to their status as self-governing entities, tribes should be notified and invited to
participate at least as soon as (if not earlier than) the Governor, State agencies, local
governments, and other Federal agencies.
More information to help guide the timing of consultation and the identification of
consultation partners can be found in Chapters II and III of this Handbook.
D. Preparing for Consultation
The first step to prepare for consultation is to identify a clear purpose for consultation
and identify with whom such consultation should take place. The second step is to review
the record of what is already known about the relevant concerns of tribes that might want
to have input into the BLM's activities. Recorded sources that should be reviewed include–
previous correspondence with tribes;
records of previous consultation;
public participation records for land use plans;
plan protest records;
transcripts of public hearings;
minutes of public meetings.
BLM Manual
Rel. 8-75
Supersedes Rel. 8-65


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