Form H-8120-1 - Guidlines For Conductiong Tribal Consultation - Bureau Of Land Managment Page 32


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In addition to the list of recognized tribes, Area Offices of the BIA produce a supplemental
list of non-recognized Indian groups petitioning Federal recognition. The BIA's Area or
Agency Offices should be contacted to obtain updated and additional information on tribal
governments and other Native American organizations in the general vicinity. (See Manual
Section 8120.04D and E.)
Each BLM office should develop and maintain lists of–
The tribal officials and traditional
religious leaders whom tribal governments
have designated to serve as contacts for
notification and consultation.
Other Native American individuals and
representatives of non-recognized groups
identified as wanting to know about
pending BLM actions.
Identifying tribal contacts. Initial inquiries should be addressed to the presiding
government official of the Indian tribe, e.g., the Tribal Chairman. Initial discussions should
attempt to determine which individual(s) will be officially authorized to serve as the point
of contact and the representative/spokesperson for the tribe for each of the various matters
relating to the BLM.
Identifying traditional cultural and religious leaders. Official representatives of the tribe
or group should be the first source for identifying traditional cultural and religious leaders
and other individuals with specialized knowledge. Names of persons known to be
traditional cultural or religious leaders can sometimes be obtained from BIA Area or
Agency Offices; other Federal, State, and local government agencies that provide programs
and services to Native Americans; local Native American cultural organizations and Native
American ombudsman organizations; ethnographers, ethnohistorians, and anthropologists
in universities and professional organizations; and other sources.
Identifying lineal descendants. A determination of lineal descent must be based on
evidence provided by the person claiming descent. Since the BLM cannot contact such
persons directly until they have identified themselves, initial contact should be made
through the larger unit of which they are members (tribes, communities, etc.) or through
descent records of the appropriate BIA Agency Office. It is not possible to identify lineal
descendants when the personal identity of the human remains is not known.
BLM Manual
Rel. 8-75
Supersedes Rel. 8-65


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