Form H-8120-1 - Guidlines For Conductiong Tribal Consultation - Bureau Of Land Managment Page 24


III - 8
E.O. No. 13007, "Indian Sacred Sites"–
• Directs Federal land managers to accommodate Indian
religious practitioners' access to and ceremonial use of
Indian sacred sites, and to avoid adversely affecting the
physical integrity of such sites;
• Directs land managing agencies to implement procedures to
carry out these accommodation and protection provisions,
including reasonable notice of proposed actions or land use
policies that may restrict future access to or ceremonial use
of, or adversely affect physical integrity of, Indian sacred
• Cites Executive memorandum of April 29, 1994,
"Government-to-Government Relations with Native American
Tribal Governments," as the model for communication
• Requires a report within 1 year on any statutory or
administrative changes needed to meet the Order's
directions, and on the procedures implemented or proposed
to facilitate consultation with appropriate Indian tribes and
religious leaders.
. 13. Provisions of Executive Order No. 13007.
The Order required agencies to report to the President within 1 year addressing changes
needed to accommodate access and use of Indian sacred sites on Federal lands, or changes
needed to avoid adversely affecting the physical integrity of sacred sites. The Order also
required agencies to address in their report the procedures implemented or proposed, "to
facilitate consultation with appropriate Indian tribes and religious leaders and the
expeditious resolution of disputes relating to agency action on Federal lands that may
adversely affect access to, ceremonial use of, or the physical integrity of sacred sites."
The BLM reported that no statutory or administrative changes are needed, and provided
copies of Manual Section 8160 (1990) and Manual Handbook H-8160-1 (1994) as its
procedures for facilitating consultation.
BLM Manual
Rel. 8-75
Supersedes Rel. 8-65


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