Lsat Vocabulary Worksheet Template Page 9


The ice cream store
Imagine the following twelve statements, each of which could be made about a certain ice cream store. For
five of the statements, the reasoning is perfectly valid—the reasoning provided is enough to prove the conclu-
sion reached. For the remaining seven statements, the reasoning provided does not validate the conclusion
reached. Do your best to figure out which statements are valid, and which ones are not.
1. Most customers eat their ice cream in
2. Some customers prefer vanilla to
3. Most people use napkins, and some
the store. Therefore, some take it to go.
chocolate, and no customer has no
use a spoon. Thus more people use nap-
preference in the matter. Therefore,
kins than use spoons.
most customers prefer chocolate.
4. Some customers use coupons, and
5. Most customers prefer a cone to a
6. All of the ice cream is kept in the
most customers pay with cash. So, at
cup, and most customers ask for top-
freezer, and there are chocolate chips in
least some customers who pay with cash
pings. So, most customers who prefer
some of the ice cream. So, there are some
do not use coupons.
a cone ask for toppings.
chocolate chips in the freezer.
7. Most of the customers order ice cream,
8. Some customers ask for extra top-
9. Most customers order chocolate ice
and most customers come with friends.
pings, and no customers refuse extra
cream, and most customers get toppings.
So, at least some of the customers come
toppings when offered. So there are
All customers who get toppings get a free
with friends and order ice cream.
fewer customers who are offered free
toy. So, some people who order choco-
toppings than there are customers
late ice cream get a free toy.
who ask for extra toppings.
10. Everyone who orders a sundae gets
11. Everyone who orders a sundae gets
12. Everyone who orders a sundae gets
offered a free extra cherry, and most
offered a free extra cherry, and most
offered a free extra cherry, and most
people say yes to the extra cherry. Some
people say yes to the extra cherry.
people say yes to the extra cherry. Some
people who order the banana split get
Some people who order the banana
people who order the banana split get
offered a free extra cherry, and less than
split get offered a free extra cherry,
offered a free extra cherry, and less than
half of those people say yes. Therefore,
and less than half of these people say
half of these people say yes. So, some
more customers get a free cherry with a
yes. Therefore, people who order a
people who order the banana split do not
sundae than they do with a banana split.
sundae are more likely to say yes to a
get an extra cherry.
free cherry than are people who order
a banana split.
Valid: 6, 7, 9, 11, 12 Not valid: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 8, 10
Lesson 31: LSAT Vocabulary |


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