Lsat Vocabulary Worksheet Template Page 10


Certain challenging Logic Games and Logical Reasoning ques-
and you’ll probably want to do so. However, also keep in mind that
tions require us to evaluate how a complicated set of conditional
it may be easier in many instances to check the answer directly
statements links together. Here’s one more drill aimed to help you
against the text itself. Finally, keep in mind that these samples are
solidify your linking skills. Note that the last two samples compli-
extreme—more challenging and complex than what you should
cate the conditional situation with some and most. As we’ve just
expect on test day; if you can nail these, you are in great shape. As
discussed, this will happen in certain challenging Logical Reason-
always, you should do your work on separate paper if you want to
ing questions. I’ve left space for you to jot down some notations,
repeat the drill.
Fred won’t attend unless Leon does, and Leon will only
Cheaters never win, and winners never brag. And yet all
attend if Sarah does not. If Terrence attends, both Sarah
cheaters dream of winning and bragging about it. All win-
and Rich will attend as well. Either Fred or Jessica, but not
ners dream about both of those things too. The public al-
both, will attend.
ways adores those who win and do not brag about it.
Note which ones are provable and which ones are not.
Note which ones are provable and which ones are not.
If Leon attends, Rich will not.
The public adores all winners.
If Sarah attends, Fred will not.
The public never adores a cheater.
If Fred attends, Sarah will not.
One cannot be adored unless one does not brag.
If Rich attends, but Leon does not, Terrence will attend.
If one wants public adoration, one must win.
If Jessica attends, Leon will not.
Cheaters do not get to do everything they dream about.
If Terrence attends, Leon will not.
All winners do something they dream about.
If Leon attends, Jessica will not.
Those who never brag always win.
If Fred attends, Terrence does not.
Cheaters get to do at least one thing they dream about.
Terrence and Leon can’t both attend together.
No one who dreams of bragging is adored.
If Sarah does not attend, Jessica will.
All winners don’t do something they dream about doing.
Every student is required to wear a uniform, and only
If a doll wears a red dress, it will wear the clear glass slip-
those wearing uniforms are allowed to ride on the bus.
pers. If it doesn’t wear the red dress, it will wear purple
Those who ride on the bus must wear a name tag. Parents
slippers. The doll can only wear one dress at a time, and it
are not allowed to wear uniforms, but some nonetheless
can only wear a hat when it wears a purple dress. The doll
wear name tags.
can’t wear a necklace unless it wears a hat.
Note which ones are provable and which ones are not.
Note which ones are provable and which ones are not.
Only students wear uniforms.
If a doll wears clear glass slippers, it wears a red dress.
Only students ride the bus.
If a doll does not wear glass slippers, it will wear a purple dress.
Every student is allowed to ride on the bus.
If a doll wears a purple dress, it must wear purple slippers.
Parents are not allowed to ride on the bus.
If the doll wears a necklace, it wears purple slippers.
Every student with a name tag is allowed to ride on the bus.
If a doll does not wear a purple dress, it will wear a red one.
Some people who wear name tags are not allowed to ride on the bus.
If the doll wears a red dress, it cannot wear a necklace.
No adults are allowed to ride on the bus.
Every doll that wears a hat will wear a necklace.
Everyone on the bus wears a uniform and a name tag.
If the doll does not wear purple slippers, it cannot wear a hat.
Those without uniforms or name tags cannot ride on the bus.
If a doll doesn’t wear a necklace, it must wear the red dress.
Those who do not ride on the bus are not students.
If the doll wears a necklace, it also wears a purple dress.


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