Lsat Vocabulary Worksheet Template


LSAT vocabulary
Surprise—this is going to be a very short lesson (though maybe not quite as short as it may first
appear). If you’ve made it this far in the book, you definitely deserve a break. Please, take the
rest of the study time you’ve allotted to do something fun.
As you are by this point most certainly aware, the LSAT is full of complex and unusual
words and phrases. However, as we’ve discussed many times, when it comes time to
answer questions, it is the small, common words between those unusual ones—the com-
mon words that define reasoning relationships—that are most important. We’ve been
highlighting many of these important reasoning words throughout the book. In this
lesson, we’re going to take a quick break from Logical Reasoning to have a concentrated
lesson just on LSAT vocabulary. And, not so coincidentally, I hope you find the work we
do in this lesson helpful as you conquer Inference questions in the next one.
When it comes to mastering LSAT vocabulary, there are two different aspects to consider:
Understanding the Words Correctly
Duh. The good news is that nearly all of the important terms are easy and simple to un-
derstand. The bad news is that certain terms are very easy to misunderstand no matter
how much you prepare. Oftentimes, getting a question correct requires that we trans-
late and utilize many different words in a very short amount of time—your understand-
ing of most key terms needs to be absolute and automatic; furthermore, you need to
have a good sense of which words tend to cause you trouble, and you want to make sure
you have systems for dealing with these terms.
Prioritizing Key Terms
This second issue is of far more importance than the first. These key terms shape reason-
ing structure and reasoning relationships—the two things LSAT questions happen to
be about. Students who perform poorly, or who spend far more time than they should,
invariably waste energy focusing on the wrong parts of an argument or a passage. The
main reason I’ve put this lesson in is not to remind you of what words mean, but rather
to remind you of which words to pay attention to.
I’ve also included a couple of challenging mini-drills at the end, just for fun.
Lesson 31: LSAT Vocabulary |


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