County Of Maui Application For Certificate Of Occupancy Page 5


Department of Public W orks
Development Services Administration
250 South High Street
W ailuku, Hawaii 96793
Pursuant to § Use and Occupancy of the Maui County Code, “No building or structure
shall be used or occupied, and no change in the existing occupancy classification of a building or structure or
portion thereof shall be m ade until the building official has issued a certificate of occupancy therefore as
provided herein. Exception: Group R, Division 3 and Group U Occupancies.” Also, a certificate of occupancy
will not be issued to structures approved and constructed as building shells.
Pursuant to § Violations of the Maui County Code, “If any portion of a structure is occupied
prior to obtaining a certificate of occupancy when a certificate of occupancy is required, the building official
shall collect a $1,000 fine prior to issuing the certificate.”
Pursuant to § Issuance of the Maui County Code, as it pertains to plan review waiver
building perm its, “. . . If the structure is occupied prior to obtaining a release from the non-occupancy
agreem ent, the building perm it applicant shall pay a $1,000 fine prior to the building official issuing a release
from the agreem ent.” Release letters will be issued for plan review waiver building perm its for repairs to
com m ercial buildings, and for structures with Group R, Division 3 and Group U Occupancies, while certificates
of occupancy will be issued for m ost plan review waiver building perm its for com m ercial projects.
Pursuant to § Certificate Issued of the Maui County Code, “A fee as set forth in the annual
budget shall be paid prior to issuance of any certificate of occupancy.” The issuance fee for a certificate of
occupancy is $50, effective July 1, 2008, and is to be m ade payable to COUNTY OF MAUI.
A certificate of occupancy m ay be obtained upon com pliance with building and associated perm it
requirem ents, or code com pliance verified by m iscellaneous inspections if a building perm it is not required.
The certificate of occupancy shall be posted in a conspicuous place on the prem ises and shall not be rem oved
except by the Building Official.
Checklist for applying for a Certificate of Occupancy:
Com pleted Application for Certificate of Occupancy.
A location m ap on 8 ½ “ x 11" size paper. *W hen the application is approved and the certificate of
occupancy issued, the location map will be copied onto the back of the certificate.
For a new building:
The m ap shall include the current Tax Map Key and placem ent of all existing
and proposed structure(s) on the property with the subject building clearly
For a unit or space
Sam e as above, except the unit or space within the building is to be
within a building:
clearly identified.
For a Certificate of Occupancy by m iscellaneous inspections, include the following:
a floor plan of the entire building and unit or space within the building, in addition to the above.
A notarized letter of authorization from the fee owner or property m anagem ent, or a copy of
the executed lease agreem ent.
$180 m iscellaneous inspection fee, payable to COUNTY OF MAUI.
For further inform ation, please contact the Building Perm it Office at (808) 270-7250, or by em ail at
Building.perm its@ m
. Office hours are 8:00 a.m . to 4:00 p.m ., Monday through Friday, (HST).
DSA CO_Checklistt Jan2009


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