Studies In Revelation 10-1-11 Bible Activity Sheets With Answers


Studies in Revelation 10:1-11
_ 1. Does the mighty angel’s mission center around the open Book?
Angel With Open Book, on Land, Sea: John Ate Book: To Prophesy Again
N_ _ 2. Has God ordered man to eat any Book except His? (Ezek. 2:8-9)
1. How many seals of the Book have been opened? (8:1-2) _ seven _ _ _
Y_ _ 3. Has God revealed some things to His prophets that they were
How many trumpets to sound under this seal? _ seven _ _ _ How many
not to reveal to others? (Daniel 12:4; 2Cor. 12:4)
have sounded already? (9:13) _ six _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
_ 4. Has there been a time when men on their own wanted to “hush”
2. Whom did John see “come down from heaven”? _
another mighty angel
the Word of God?*
Describe clothes? _ cloud_ _ _ _ Head? _
a rainbow on
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Y_ _ 5. May voices claim to be divine when they are not?*
Face? _
as the Sun
_ _ _ _ Feet? _
as pillars of fire
_ __ _ _ _ _ _
Y_ _ 6. May God’s word be both sweet and bitter? (Psalms 19:10;
3. What did this angel have in his hand? _
a little book
_ _ _ _ Where did
2Corinthians 12:4-10)
he set his feet? _
right foot on sea; left on land
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ What
Y_ _ 7. Does eating a Book mean to feed on it– devour, consume its
did his voice sound like? _
a roaring lion
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
4. When the angel cried what effect did his message have? _
Y_ _ 8. Do you believe the Word of God is for all people? (Mark 16:15-
thunders uttered their voices
_ _ _ What was John about to do with the
message of seven thunders? _
about to write [what they said]
_ _
N_ _ 9. Was John forbidden to write what the angel from heaven said?
5. From whence came a voice to John? _
from heaven
_ _ _ What did it
(Not the angel of vs. 5, but of the “seven thunders” v.4)
say? 1_
_ 2_
Seal up what seven thunders uttered
don’t write them
did the angel on land and sea do?
_raised hand to heaven & swore
T_ _ 1. In this lesson, God’s Book is given to the world.
6. By whom did the angel swear? _
who lives forever, who created all
_ 2. The voice forbidding the thunder’s message, told John to take
What did he swear? _
that they should be no more delay
When would
the Book.
? _
_ _
time end (or there be no more delay)
sounding of 7
T_ _ 3. When the angel declares that there should be no more delay, it
7. When the seventh angel sounds, what will be finished? _
the mystery
seems that something is about to happen.
of God
_ _ According to what will God’s mystery be finished? _
T_ _ 4. God’s great mystery [something hidden, or concealed] was how
He declared to His servants the prophets
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
he was going to reconcile the Jewish believer and Gentile
believer into one body (or one church) Ephesians 3:2-6.
8. What did the voice from heaven tell John to do? _
take the little book
T_ _ 5. With the fulfillment of the Lord’s prophecy of Matthew 24,
that was open in angel’s hand
_ _ What did the angel with the Book
Mark 13, and Luke 21 (etc) inspired revelation from God is
tell John to do? _
Take and eat it
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
complete, or “finished.”
9. According to the angel, how would eating the Book effect John? 1_ _
make stomach bitter
_ 2_
sweet as honey in his mouth
_ How did it
Note: In Matthew 28:20, Jesus promised his apostles to be with them (by
effect him? 1_
_ 2_
_ _
sweet as honey in mouth
in stomach became bitter
inspiring them) until the end of the age, that it, the end of the Jewish temple
10. What did the angel tell John he would do “again”? _
prophesy about
dispensation. Thus by A.D.70 inspired revelation comes to an end, and our
(to) many peoples, nations, tongues, and kings
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
belief that all the New Testament books were completed by that time.
(Please put the verse(s) number that provides the answer in the margin.)


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