Studies In Revelation 4-1-11 Bible Activity Sheets With Answers


Studies in Revelation 4:1-11
Y_ _ 1. Had John heard before the Voice that spoke to him? (1:10)
Door Open In Heaven: God On His Throne: Is Worshiped By Creation
N_ _ 2. Does John make any attempt to describe the Person of God?
1. After writing the seven letters, what did John see? _
a door standing
open in heaven
_ Hear? _
a voice as a trumpet
_ _ What did the Voice
Y_ _ 3. Do you believe there is a place where God rules and reigns?
say? _
_ _ _ _
Come up here I will show you things which must be after this
N_ _ 4. Is God’s government in heaven or earth democratic in nature?
2. What happened to John? _
_ What did he first
he was immediately in the spirit
N_ _ 5. Do heaven’s hosts worship God only one day each week?
see in heaven? _
a throne
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ How did the One on the throne
look? _
a jasper and a sardine stone
(carnelian)_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Y_ _ 6. Do you believe God worthy of continual praise from His
3. List those things which John saw “round about the throne”. 1_
_ 2_
_ 3_
like an emerald
24 seats (thrones)
24 elders, in white, crowns of gold
N_ _ 7. Is there any indication of sin, trouble, or turmoil in heaven?
4. What proceeded from the throne?
_ 2 _
Y_ _ 8. Could the four living creatures be some highest angels?
_ _ What burned before the throne? _
seven lamps burning
Y_ _ 9. Do the twenty-four elders sit on thrones and wear crowns?
_ _ _ __ _ What were these? _
the seven spirits of God
_ _ _ _
_ 10. Is any thing said in this chapter about the creation?
5. Describe the sea before the throne. _
glass like unto crystal
_ _ _ _ _ _
_ _ _ How were the twenty-four elders clothed? _
white raiment
_ _ _
_ _ Crowned? _
crowns of gold (v.4)
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
6. Describe the four living creatures. 1_ one like a lion _ 2_ a calf _ _ _
T_ _ 1. In this chapter, God is worshiped as Creator of all things.
one had face as a man
_ 4_
like a flying eagle
_ _ What do they say
day and night? _
Holy, Holy, Holy, Lord God Almighty, who was, is, is to come
F_ _ 2. The only difference in the four creatures is their thoughts and
7. List the characteristics wherein the creatures are alike. 1_
each had 6
_ 2_
full of eyes all around
_ 3_
rested not
_ How long does
F_ _ 3. When the four creatures sing, the elders fall down and worship
God live? _
for ever and ever
_ _ _ _
8. What do the four elders give to Him who sits on the throne? 1 glory_
F_ _ 4. The creatures sometime sing, “Holy ... Lord God Almighty”.
_ _ 2_
_ _ _ 3_
_ _ What do the elders do? 1_
fall down
T_ _ 5 The elders had washed their robes in the Lamb’s blood.
before Him on the throne
_ 2_
worship Him who lives forever
_ _ _
(Revelation 4:4 and Revelation 7:14)
9. What do the elders say God is worthy to receive? 1_
_ _ _ _ _
T_ _ 6. The creatures may suggest strength, patience, intelligence, and
_ _ 3_
_ _ _ Why? 1_
for He created all
things_ _ _
_ _ _ _ _ 2_
for His pleasure all created things exist
_ _ _ _ _ _
T_ _ 7. The twenty-four elders show their complete submission by
10. What are the four creatures? (Isa. 6:1-3; Ezek. 1:5-14; Ezek. 10:15;
casting their crowns before God.
Ezek. 10:20) _ seraphims; cherubims; _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Are the twenty-four elders among the redeemed? (Rev. 7:9-17) _


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