Studies In Revelation 22-1-21 Bible Activity Sheet Page 2


Studies in Revelation 22:1-21
Printed: Jan 29, 2014
_ _ _ 1. The river of the water of life flows from the throne of: 1) Mecca;
_ _ _
1. Pure
___None in the city of God
2) Washington; 3) God and Christ; in the midst of the: 4) slums;
_ _ _
2. Throne
___God gives it
5) street; 6) alley.
_ _ _
3. River
___Worship Him
_ _ _ 2. The tree of life: 1) is one each side of the river; 2) yields twelve
_ _ _
4. Street
___Water of Life is
manner of fruits; 3) yields fruit each month; 4) is for the healing of
_ _ _
5. Curse
___Tree of Life beside it
_ _ _ 3. In God’s city there will be no: 1) curse; 2) night; 3) need for lamps
_ _ _
6. Sayings
___Not to be worshiped
or sun; neither any: 4) fornicators; 5) idolaters; 6) lovers of lies.
_ _ _
7. Light
___Not to be sealed
_ _ _4. Things John saw and heard are: 1) false; 2) faithful and true;
_ _ _
8. Angel
___Water of life from it
3) questionable; proven so by: 4) science; 5) God’s revelation;
_ _ _
9. God
___River in midst of it
6) history.
_ _ _
10. Book
___Are true and faithful
_ _ _5 All in God’s city shall: 1) see God’s face; 2) serve God; 3) reign
with God; 4) bask in God’s glorious light; 5) drink freely of the
water of life.
_ _ _6. John was instructed by the angel to worship: 1) men; 2) angels;
3) God; and to: 4) seal up; 5) leave open; 6) destroy; the prophecy
of this Book.
_ _ _
1. Night
___All rewarded according to
_ _ _7. All who: 1) keep God’s commandments; 2) are filthy; 3) are un-
_ _ _
2. Unjust
___Sent angel to testify
righteous; have a right (freedom of choice) to: 4) the tree of life;
_ _ _
3. Holy
___Don’t add to or take from
5) be filthy; 6) be unrighteous.
_ _ _
4. Works
___Asks Christ’s grace on us
_ _ _8. Jesus is: 1) Alpha and Omega; 2) the Root and Offspring of David;
3) the bright morning Star; and: 4) sent His angel; 5) will come;
_ _ _
5. City
___Whosoever will, let him
6) will reward men.
_ _ _
6. Jesus
___To be holy still
_ _ _9. 1) Christ; 2) the Spirit; 3) the bride; say Come, and whosoever:
_ _ _
7. Come
___None in God’s city
4) hears; 5) thirsts: 6) will; can and should come to Christ.
_ _ _
8. Book
___Christ’s coming to do this
_ _ 10. To add to this Book is to have its: 1) plagues; 2) life; 3) meaning;
_ _ _
9. Quickly
___To be unjust still
and to take away from it is to miss: 4) judgment; 5) the plagues;
6) heaven.
_ _ _
10. John
___Do God’s commandments, enter


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