Ratio Mathematics (Linear) Worksheet Page 8


13. Last year Kerry’s take home pay was £15 000
She spent 40% of her take home pay on rent.
She used the rest of her take home pay for living expenses, clothes and entertainment in the ratio 3 :
1 : 2
How much did Kerry spend on entertainment last year?
(4 marks)
*14. Talil is going to make some concrete mix.
He needs to mix cement, sand and gravel in the ratio 1 : 3 : 5 by weight.
Talil wants to make 180 kg of concrete mix.
Talil has
15 kg of cement
85 kg of sand
100 kg of gravel
Does Talil have enough cement, sand and gravel to make the concrete mix?
(4 marks)
Jim has only 5p coins and 10p coins.
The ratio of the number of 5p coins to the number of 10p coins is 2 : 3
Work out the ratio of
the total value of the 5p coins : the total value of the 10p coins.
Give your answer in its simplest form.
(4 marks)


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