Up To 20 Million Tons Of Debris From Japan'S Tsunami Moving Toward Hawaii (1190l) - Middle School Reading Article Worksheet Page 3


Vale Middle School Reading Article
Up to 20 Million Tons of Debris from Japan’s Tsunami Moving Toward Hawaii (1190L)
1. There are several possible problems associated with 20 million tons of trash floating in our oceans.
Using your own prior knowledge, list four potential issues (problems) that may result from this litter.
2. What do you think should be done with the garbage that is headed our way? Write an argument
supporting your decision. A starter topic sentence and transition word have been provided. You need to
provide supporting details to prove why your idea is a good one.
It is my belief that _________________________________________________ would be a
potential solution to the tsunami trash problem in the Pacific Ocean. Initially,
Hasan L. Good Morning American. Available online at Good Morning America. Retrieved October 25, 2011.


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