Wrigley To Sell Caffeinated Chewing Gum (1200l) - Middle School Reading Article Worksheet Page 3


Vale Middle School Reading Article
Wrigley to Sell Caffeinated Chewing Gum (1200L)
Comprehension questions – answers may be in phrases.
1. How old was the girl who died of cardiac arrest?
2. What type of consumer should NOT purchase this gum?
3. The gum comes in packs of how many?
4. How much is the equivalent amount of caffeine in one stick of gum?
5. Define “relevance” as used in the article.
2. Answer each question in one or more complete sentences.
What are some of the benefits of using caffeinated gum?
What flavors will the gum be available in?
What two factors help to make this gum unattractive to children?
7/8.RL 1, 2,4,10
Isidore, C. Wrigley to sell caffeinated chewing gum. CNN Money. March 8, 2013


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