Wrigley To Sell Caffeinated Chewing Gum (1200l) - Middle School Reading Article Worksheet Page 2


Vale Middle School Reading Article
Wrigley to Sell Caffeinated Chewing Gum (1200L)
Related: Investors sour on Monster Beverage
Notes on my thoughts,
Roland Griffins, a professor at Johns Hopkins medical school who has done
reactions and questions as I
research on the impact of energy drinks, said there is reason to be concerned
about children having easier access to caffeine. "It doesn't seem like a good
idea," he said. "To the extent that this makes caffeine more readily available to
children, it's a potential concern."
In October, a wrongful death lawsuit was filed against energy drink maker
Monster Beverage (MNST) after a 14-year-old girl died of cardiac arrest. The
suit charges she had two of the drinks in the 24 hours before her death.
The Food and Drug Administration has also started a probe into whether there
are deaths tied to another energy drink, Five Hour Energy. Wrigley
spokeswoman Jennifer Luth said everything about the gum, from its price to its
more bitter taste, is likely to make it unattractive to children or teen consumers.
The company is also urging retailers to display it with energy drinks, not gum.
“There’s nothing we can do to prevent people from selling it to children," she
said. "But we've done everything we can so it's not a product for children or
teens. It is absolutely designed for adults who are already using caffeine for
Isidore, C. Wrigley to sell caffeinated chewing gum. CNN Money. March 8, 2013


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