Teen Shot For Her Advocacy Is "The Daughter Of The Whole World," Dad Says (950l) - Middle School Reading Article Worksheet


Vale Middle School Reading Article
Teen Shot for Her Advocacy is “the Daughter of the Whole World,” Dad Says (950L)
Read the following article carefully and make notes in the margin as you read.
Your notes should include:
o Comments that show that you understand the article. (A summary or statement of the main
idea of important sections may serve this purpose.)
o Questions you have that show what you are wondering about as you read.
o Notes that differentiate between fact and opinion.
o Observations about how the writer’s strategies (organization, word choice, perspective,
support) and choices affect the article.
Your margin notes are part of your score for this assessment.
Answer the questions carefully in complete sentences unless otherwise instructed.
Student ____________________________Class Period__________________
Teen shot for her advocacy is “the daughter of
Notes on my thoughts,
the whole world,” dad says
reactions and questions as I
(CNN) – Ziuaddin Yousafzai spent much of his life believing that girls should get an
education. He always made sure his daughter Malala understood that. Months after
Taliban militants gravely wounded his 15-year-old with a bullet to the head for being
vocal about that belief, he thinks more people around the world and in his home country
agree with him.
Last October, the teenager was riding home in a school van in the Swat Valley, a
Taliban stronghold in Pakistan, when masked men stopped the vehicle. They demanded
that the other girls identify Malala. They trained their guns on their target and fired.
Then they shot another girl, wounding her.
Malala was treated by Pakistani doctors in the initial days after the shooting. The
prognosis was dire. As international outrage grew, Pakistanis took to the streets.
Shooting a little girl? The Taliban had gone too far this time. The government had better
do something. Around the world, more people began learning about how the Taliban,
years earlier, had ordered that all girls leave school.
Malala "is the daughter of the whole world," her father told CNN on Friday. "The world
owns her." She has become an icon of education, a symbol of girls' rights. "She has
made a difference," he said. Malala is getting stronger by the day, and "recovering very
well, very fast," he added. The teen was discharged from a hospital in Birmingham,
England, in February and is receiving rehabilitative care. A team of international
doctors who took over Malala's care from Pakistani providers certainly did amazing
work in saving her life. They addressed her brain swelling. Her skull had fractured in
Fantz, A., Teen shot for her advocacy is “the daughter of the whole world,” dad says, CNN News, March 8, 2013.


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