Pakistani Fishermen Reel In 40-Foot Whale Shark (1380l) - Middle School Reading Article Worksheet Page 2


Vale Middle School Reading Article
Pakistani Fishermen Reel in 40-Foot Whale Shark (1380L)
Notes on my thoughts,
The massive whale shark, which was said to weigh between 6 and 7 tons, was
reactions and questions as I
found unconscious ten days ago about 150 kilometers from shore, according to
the owner of a local fishery. By the time the fish was pulled out of the water, it
was dead.
According to the newspaper, fishermen initially called in two cranes to pull out
the giant carcass but it took at least three more to successfully get the whale
shark out of the water.
The newspaper reported it was later sold for 1.7 million Rupees, or roughly US
The whale shark, which is the largest fish in the sea and inhabits warm waters
around the world, is considered vulnerable by the International Union for
Conservation of Nature. In 2008, it was added to the organization's red list of
threatened species.
According to National Geographic, whale sharks may be imposing physical
specimens but they are gentle fish and sometimes allow swimmers to hitch a
Smith, S. Pakistani fishermen reel in 40-foot whale shark. World News. Feb. 9, 2012. Retrieved Feb. 14, 2012. Available at:


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