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ICS 219-7: Equipment Card
Block Title
Enter the State and or unit identifier (3–5 letters) used by the authority having
LDW (Last Day Worked)
Indicate the last available workday that the resource is allowed to work.
# Pers
Enter total number of personnel associated with the resource. Include leaders.
Order #
The order request number will be assigned by the agency dispatching resources or
personnel to the incident. Use existing protocol as appropriate for the jurisdiction
and/or discipline since several incident numbers may be used for the same incident.
Use this section to list agency name or designator (e.g., ORC, ARL, NYPD).
Enter the category/kind/type based on NIMS, discipline, or jurisdiction guidance.
Name/ID #
Use this section to enter the resource name or unique identifier (e.g., 13, Bluewater,
Utility 32).
Date/Time Checked In
Enter date (month/day/year) and time of check-in (24-hour clock) to the incident.
Leader Name
Enter resource leader’s name (use at least the first initial and last name).
Primary Contact
Enter the primary contact information (e.g., cell phone number, radio, etc.) for the
If radios are being used, enter function (command, tactical, support, etc.), frequency,
system, and channel from the Incident Radio Communications Plan (ICS 205).
Phone and pager numbers should include the area code & any satellite phone specifics.
Resource ID #(s) or
Provide the identifier number(s) or name(s) for this resource.
Home Base
Enter the home base to which the resource or individual is normally assigned (may not
be departure location).
Departure Point
Enter the location from which the resource or individual departed for this incident.
Use this section to enter the resource’s estimated time of departure (using the 24-hour
clock) from their home base.
Use this section to enter the resource’s estimated time of arrival (using the 24-hour
clock) at the incident.
Date/Time Ordered
Enter date (month/day/year) and time (24-hour clock) the resource was ordered to the
Enter any additional information pertaining to the resource.
Incident Location
Enter the location of the resource.
Enter the time (24-hour clock) the resource reported to this location.
Enter the resource’s current status:
• Assigned – Assigned to the incident
 Assigned
• O/S Rest – Out-of-service for rest/recuperation purposes/guidelines, or due to
 O/S Rest
operating time limits/policies for pilots, operators, drivers, equipment, or aircraft
 O/S Pers
• O/S Pers – Out-of-service for personnel reasons
 Available
• Available – Available to be assigned to the incident
 O/S Mech
• O/S Mech – Out-of-service for mechanical reasons
 ETR: _____
• ETR – Estimated time of return
Enter any additional information pertaining to the resource’s current location or status.
Prepared by
Enter the name of the person preparing the form. Enter the date (month/day/year) and
time prepared (using the 24-hour clock).


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